Friday, October 11, 2024

Early Hours, New Heights

"How do those who consistently wake up at 6 am fare afterward?"

"It was initially very difficult, impossible to get up at all. But gradually, after making it a habit, one realized its value. Waking up an hour early enables you to accomplish so much. Not only does it improve mental state significantly, but it also doubles work efficiency, making life quality better and better. Being a better person begins with waking up early. Early rising is not merely a habit but an expression of one's control over life and attitude towards life.

What impact does waking up early or late have on life? How does life differ with waking up early or late?

Renowned writer Damon Zahariades recorded his own experience in the book "Morning Makeover." For a period, after quitting his job, he would only get up after 10 a.m. After waking up, he'd surf the web, read the news, browse blogs, and check various websites, then have breakfast. If something urgent needed attention, he'd head out around 11 a.m. If not, he'd stay home until around 1 p.m. He'd feel directionless, at a loss, and very anxious. There's a saying online: "If you can't manage time, you can't manage anything. Time is the scarcest resource in the world. Without strict management, you'll achieve nothing."

To change this situation, Damon decided to wake up early. He started waking up at 4 a.m., having a cup of coffee, reviewing previous work, then spending over an hour reading and writing. After a while, he found his mental state improving gradually. Having something to do, waking up early, eliminated confusion. Life became regular and full of vitality every day. Aristotle once said: "It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom." Early rising and late rising lead to entirely different lives.

Waking up late may bring brief satisfaction, but it leaves very limited time. Often, there's no time even to have breakfast before rushing out for work, leaving a person exhausted upon reaching the workplace. However, waking up an hour earlier enables one to manage time more calmly. For instance, there's time to tidy up, have breakfast, and take kids to school in an organized manner. After completing these tasks, there's leisure time left for oneself to enjoy some precious moments alone. A disciplined lifestyle starts with waking up early. When waking up early becomes a habit, we gain more control over life.

Invest in the morning to take control of your life.

Ever heard the saying, "He who conquers the morning, conquers life"? Mornings are the best time to invest in yourself, and waking up early can transform your life. There's a person who has maintained a habit of rising around 5 am for over a decade, utilizing this time for self-improvement.

At different stages of her life, the habit of early rising significantly aided her. During her university days, her English proficiency was poor; she was the only student in the class who failed the English Level 4 exam. To enhance her English, she started waking up early for study, and her perseverance over many years made her proficient in English, eventually passing the exam.

Entering the professional world, she used her early mornings to read professional and career-related books, rapidly adapting to the work environment and mastering work skills. Once she became adept at work, she devoted her early mornings to reading books she enjoyed, gradually embarking on the path of writing. Throughout the changes in her job experiences, shifts in her social circle, and the transformations in her life after graduation, her consistent habit remained waking up early.

Early rising is considered the lowest-cost self-discipline method for adults. The first 2-3 hours after waking up each day are deemed the brain's golden time. Utilizing this period well can significantly enhance one's life. If someone wishes to learn new skills or study for professional certificates but cannot find the appropriate time, early mornings serve as an ideal time slot for reading, practice, and preparation. It's an investment in learning, offering an increase in knowledge, cognition, and skills.

Some individuals may be accustomed to staying up late and waking up late, missing the opportunity for breakfast. Waking up early grants ample time to relish a delightful breakfast, an investment in health that can bestow a healthier body.

If someone is interested in cultivating new hobbies to enrich their leisure life, waking up early is an ideal time slot. It can be used for activities like flower arranging, baking, painting, or handicrafts—an investment in hobbies that can enrich one's spiritual life and lead to a more extraordinary self.

Time is the most precious resource. Intelligent individuals learn to value time, learn to wake up early, and fully utilize the golden morning hours to empower their personal growth.

The Miraculous Early Rising Plan that can Transform Your Life

For many, waking up early is a challenging task. Even though alarms are set and they continually remind themselves to wake up early the next day, when the alarm rings the following morning, some choose to switch it off and continue sleeping. The intention to wake up is long forgotten by then.

Is there an effective method to help oneself wake up early? From initially being unable to wake up early to making it a habit, this process can be an effective method for waking up early.

Here are three steps from his method, for reference:

Step 1: Evening mental conditioning. This step is crucial because the first thought in the morning is usually the last thought before falling asleep. Some positive mental conditioning can be done before bedtime. For example, setting waking up early to prepare a hearty breakfast for yourself or your family, dropping off the kids at school, tidying the house, or preparing for the day's outings, etc. Setting goals inspires motivation.

Step 2: Place the alarm clock far away. Placing the alarm clock far from the bed will force oneself to leave the bed and start moving. Movement generates energy. Once out of bed, the body naturally becomes more awake.

Step 3: Directly brush your teeth.

If, after leaving the bed, the desire to continue sleeping persists, immediately go to brush your teeth. Squeeze toothpaste, start brushing, and wash your face with hot or cold water. These simple actions can help invigorate your waking consciousness.

So, after successfully waking up, how can one quickly get into a working state?

  1. Engage in light exercise. For instance, do some stretching, morning exercises, or sit down for a few minutes of meditation. This not only stretches the body and dispels drowsiness but also awakens vitality.
  2. Record the day's to-do list. Write down the tasks to be completed that day and arrange them by urgency. This methodical action can prevent confusion and omissions, ensuring that no valuable time is wasted.
  3. Go outside for exercise. Walk, jog, breathe in the fresh air, and embrace nature. Exercise helps to speed up metabolism, increase energy consumption, not only boosting mental states but also enhancing work efficiency.

These methods can be tailored according to individual circumstances. For optimal results, it requires gradual progression and long-term consistency. After all, "haste makes waste," and a disciplined life requires enduring persistence.

Some say, "Everyone has the same 24 hours, but it's individual choices that determine the value of this day." While we can't change the length of time, we can expand its breadth. Waking up a little earlier, being disciplined, persisting bit by bit—over time, life will be different.

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Truth or Tact at work

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Friday, October 4, 2024

Truth or Tact at work

There exists a group of individuals in life who exhibit tremendous patience, obedience, yet seldom receive the fitting benefits. These individuals endure unfair treatment, refrain from refusing others' requests, and fail to actively seek their rights. Despite their efforts, they frequently find themselves unrewarded and eventually trapped in a dilemma of "the more honest you are, the more vulnerable you become." Everyone is striving at work, hoping for corresponding rewards. However, any job is far from being simple, and around 80% of life's pain usually originates from work. If you've recently felt unhappy due to work, perhaps consider changing your mindset and tell yourself: It's just work; there's no need to be too honest.

Work should be diligent and hardworking, but maintaining a student-like mindset is unnecessary.

"Because you're too obedient, sometimes what leaders fear is an overly obedient employee." This is a typical student mindset. Employees merely respond with "okay, okay, okay" and never proactively provide opinions or suggestions. Even when assigned a task, they merely address the specified points without further contemplation, akin to students fulfilling assignments by rote and command.

Nevertheless, the workplace is not like an exam, especially not a closed-book exam, and hence there's no fixed standard answer. Even if the leader raises questions, experienced professionals in the workplace often broadly seek help to provide appropriate solutions.

There's a little story about a boy attempting to lift a huge stone; his father encouraged him, saying, "As long as you put in all your effort, I believe you can lift it." The boy tried with all his strength, but the stone remained unmoved, and then he said, "I have given my all." His father responded, "You haven't given it your all; I've been here beside you, and you haven't sought help. Giving your all doesn't just mean using all your strength but also utilizing all the resources available to solve the current difficulty."

Many professionals in the workplace, like the boy lifting the stone, toil away diligently but fail to seek help. Perhaps they haven't realized they can seek help, or maybe they are unwilling to trouble others. In reality, solving any complex issue is a result of seeking assistance from various quarters.

"Social wealth is not allocated; it requires active acquisition by people." Learning to harness external support is also a skill, as an individual's solo efforts can't compare with collaborative group efforts.

Be careful not to compromise too much in everything; this behaviour may derail you at work.

Let me share a story of a former colleague. One day, he suddenly confided in me that he was dismissed from the company, which left me extremely surprised. He was a diligent and honest person, always willingly putting in extra hours at work without complaints. Colleagues often sought his help, and he never refused, always ready to be of service. Although he was terribly worn out, he never found the courage to express his dissatisfaction. He thought that his leaders would appreciate these efforts, but he never expected that despite all he did, he was eventually laid off, citing business restructuring and poor output. Before leaving, he said to me, "In the workplace, don't get too emotionally invested, or you'll end up like me." I felt sorry for him, but I suddenly understood the harsh reality of the workplace. The workplace does not favour those who are excessively honest. Many times, your troubles and grievances come from your 'I'm sorry' attitude. Such toil without accomplishment is ultimately seen as in vain. Leaders focus on results, hence dealing with matters effectively is key. Being truly responsible at work doesn't mean doing everything; it's about achieving significant success in the most crucial matters. Just like Warren Buffet's "5/25 Rule": Retain the top 5 important things and avoid doing the remaining 20 that are easily distracting, to achieve success. Less is more; knowing how to refuse is wisdom in the workplace. Excessive compromise in everything may lead you to lose yourself on the path of life. Life is short; don't let 'I'm sorry' ruin your life.

Learn to avoid self-consumption; that's the way out for honest people.

I once saw an article: A couple riding a donkey, and someone commented: 'these two are cruel, both riding on the donkey.' The wife got off, the husband rode, and the bystander said: 'The man is really selfish, making his wife walk.' So, the husband also rode the donkey, and the wife walked. But then someone speculated: 'The man is afraid of his wife, right?'

Finally, both had to walk alongside the donkey, and someone jeered: 'These two are so silly; they don't even ride the donkey!' This story is like a joke, and after reading it, you might laugh and think, 'How could people be so silly?' However, we often fall into the same trap in life, trying to please everyone.

Honest people are prone to excessive concern over these evaluations, affecting their emotions, resulting in inner turmoil. For instance, if the boss gets upset, you repeatedly replay the situation, guessing if you offended them; or when you send a message to a colleague and don't get a reply, you repeatedly think whether you said something wrong and became annoying; or feeling upset because you can't find a common topic with a colleague...

All these mental activities are actually unnecessary and should not exist. We can never please everyone. If we always measure ourselves against others' standards, we won't find the right path. To live a more relaxed life, cultivate a mindset that resists self-consumption and maintains inner stability. Though praise from others is good, excessive attention to criticism is unnecessary.

The 5 “balls” of life

Each of us juggles five "balls" in our lives: family, work, health, friends, and the soul. Among these five "balls," only work is made of rubber, it can be damaged and still bounce back. The other four "balls" are made of glass, once broken, they cannot be restored. If we make work the sole meaning of life, not only will it be dull, but it will also be futile.

It is because work is just a part of life, not all of it. Those who focus too much on work might lose some joy.

Remember, the purpose of work is to support life, not to burden it. Work is just a role; don't take it too seriously."

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The Relaxed Journey

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Friday, September 27, 2024

The Relaxed Journey

Truly outstanding individuals never rush. They understand that success is not an overnight affair; it requires gradual progress and patient cultivation. Therefore, being down-to-earth, making steady progress, and ultimately becoming victorious is the mark of wisdom. Progressing slowly is a demonstration of wisdom. Those who don't rush are closer to success.

The more you seek immediate success, the more prone you are to anxiety.

Have you ever experienced this? You've been learning a new skill for a month without visible progress, causing you to doubt your adaptability. Or maybe you've been trying hard to lose weight for a week with no visible change in your weight, leading to a loss of motivation to continue. Or at the beginning of reading a book, you found it hard to comprehend, so you abandoned it. We always desire to see results quickly, but often give up midway, interrupting our path towards our goals. This results in anxiety and inner conflict, feeling time is unfair and becoming restless. Many times, impatience is unproductive.

For instance, I have a friend who graduated in design. Just three months into his first job, his designed products didn't receive approval from his boss, so he immediately resigned and switched companies. In his second job, after working for half a year, he felt a lack of achievement and earning potential in the design field, so he transitioned to sales. But a few months later, seeing his colleagues excelling in sales, he believed he wasn’t suited for sales. Now, he's shifted to administrative work and started feeling anxious about whether he's fit...

In fact, his professional abilities are strong; the problem isn't his competence but rather his impatient eagerness to achieve success and recognition. His colleagues who joined the company around the same time, with similar skills, have already made achievements. "The Analects" stated, "Haste makes waste; focusing only on small immediate benefits might lead to failure in significant matters." Impatience does not ensure smooth success; it might lead to issues.

Instead of hastily seeking outcomes and frequently giving up, it's better to adjust your pace and maintain patience and persistence. "Things and people in the world have their own time to develop. We need to keep improving ourselves and quietly wait for the opportunity to come." It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to cultivate a person. Stability and patience, not impatience, are the keys to achieving something and becoming an outstanding individual.

Walking far is better than Walking Fast

Walking fast does not necessarily mean victory; real winners are those who can go far. I know a friend who never ranked within the top 20 of the class from elementary school to college, making him a typical late starter. He took the college entrance examination three times and, he says, luckily got into a good University.

Even in university, he never managed to rank among the top 40 students in his class. Even at graduation, he was still among the lowest performers. However, he persevered and never gave up.

During the graduation ceremony, he said, "Although my grades lag behind my classmates, rest assured, I won't give up, and I'll continue to strive." At the age of 31, he established his own company, and several of his former classmates, who had better grades than him, became his employees.

I really like a saying: "Life’s pursuit doesn’t begin with the starting point, but with the final reaching point." Life is a long-distance race, and most people, due to impatience, can't persist, even though they might have initially led. Yet those who persist, never give up, and embrace a long-term view, with the accumulation of time, eventually find success.

We’ve all heard the story of "The Tortoise and the Hare," with the turtle emerging victorious. Similarly, in life, the ultimate winners are often not those who start the fastest but those who can persist till the end.

"Life is like a marathon; the winner isn't the one who starts the fastest." Life is lengthy, and initial advantages need not boast, similarly, initial failures need not cause too much anxiety. Present success or failure does not represent the final outcome. It's by persisting, never giving up, that genuine success is harvested. Often, not rushing and walking slowly actually leads to a quicker achievement of the goal.

Seeking quick success does not lead to success; it's the steady and sure steps that lead to long distances. Slow progress will take you farther.

Truly Outstanding Individuals Understand Perseverance

Amazon's CEO once asked Warren Buffett, "Your investment philosophy is very simple, why others don’t imitate your approach?" Buffett replied, "Because most people are not willing to slowly accumulate wealth." Many are eager to achieve and hope to become millionaires overnight, yet the more they rush to get rich, the less successful they often become.

"What you accomplish in 5 years, I will do in 10; what you do in 10, I will do in 20. And if that's not enough, I will maintain my health and happiness until I'm 80, then come back to do it after seeing each of you off." Successful individuals understand the patience of continuous cultivation, steadily building strength and constantly reinforcing themselves.

Hence, there is no such thing as an "instantly successful" life; it is simply the result of long-term accumulation. They invest more time, work harder than others do.

No one can easily achieve success. Behind every brilliant achievement lies years of perseverance and tireless efforts. Only through a decade of careful honing can one create a sword that echoes throughout the realm. Those who truly put in the hard work and maintain continuous effort are the victors in life.

"If you want instant returns, do odd jobs;

If you expect income every month, be a wage earner;

Having patience for annual returns is for professional managers;

Waiting patiently for three to five years is for investors;

Only by evaluating life from a lifetime perspective makes one a winner in life."

In any era, the ultimate victors are those who can endure loneliness and weather the lows.

May you find your path in the coming years, proceed calmly, stay grounded, and take one step at a time, ultimately reaping bountiful rewards.

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Wealth beyond Riches: Self-Enrichment for a Rewarding Life

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Friday, September 20, 2024

Wealth beyond Riches: Self-Enrichment for a Rewarding Life

Life requires subtraction; consciously letting go of many things leads to a more composed and slower pace. Such a perspective holds profound wisdom. People often feel anxious and troubled because their minds are filled with too much negativity and complexity. These negative factors drain your emotions and energy, making your situation worse. Only by relinquishing things that deplete you can you create space for happiness and beauty. True self-enrichment begins with letting go.

Abandon Desires for Inner Peace

"The heavens won't bestow all happiness upon one person: having love doesn't guarantee wealth; having wealth doesn't guarantee happiness; having happiness doesn't ensure health; and having health doesn't guarantee all your wishes will come true." Throughout life, one must learn to abandon the greed of "I want it all"; only by letting go of desires can the heart find peace. If one entertains too many desires, the soul becomes restless and unsettled. At the end of desire lies only more desires. People ensnared in desires are often never satisfied—they achieve one goal but then yearn for the next. Those who yearn for everything usually end up with nothing. What people pursue in life is nothing but inner tranquillity and happiness. However, happiness has always been there; it's just that our eyes for perceiving happiness and beauty are obscured by desires. By renouncing desires, you will discover that the people you meet are helpful, the experiences you go through are enlightening, the flowers you admire are uniquely beautiful, the winds you feel are gentle, and the soil you smell is fragrant. This way, the soul will be fulfilled. In the remaining years, relinquishing desires will bring peace to the heart.

Let Go of Inner Turmoil for Improved Mood

Challenges exist in life constantly, but challenges themselves do not cause pain; what truly causes pain is the inner struggle. In reality, most of our troubles stem from inner conflicts.

Perhaps we care too much about others' opinions and judgments; an unintentional remark might linger in our minds for a long time.

Or we set too high standards for ourselves; failing to complete even a minor task perfectly leads to self-doubt.

This inner struggle is fundamentally a type of fear. Fear of not being recognized, fear of making the wrong choices, fear of facing the results of failure, fear of leaving behind regrets, fear of numerous possibilities.

The book "The Power of Now" proposes a perspective: overcoming fear and releasing inner struggles lies in focusing on the present moment. Only by focusing on the present and taking positive action can one free their mind from fear.

Living in the moment, concentrating one's thoughts and actions in the present moment, helps gather energy and tap into inner strength to gracefully face life's challenges. "What's missing in the present moment?" Reflecting on this, you'll realize you actually lack nothing at this moment.

When you truly release your inner turmoil, no longer troubled by gain and loss, you can calmly embrace both gains and losses. By letting go of inner expectations, the heart naturally finds tranquillity, and emotions become stable.

Letting Go of Regrets, Embrace the Goodness That Awaits

I once heard this saying: Perhaps regrets are the norm in life; imperfection is the true portrayal of life. I deeply resonate with this.

Throughout this journey called life, we often encounter regrets. You might regret missing the most precious love of your life or failing to embrace the one you deeply loved, harbouring regret. Perhaps you lament the mistakes made or the dreams unfulfilled that weigh heavily on your mind.

When your heart is full of regrets, you cannot savor the present joy or appreciate the beauty along the way. Being able to let go of regrets is a form of inner cultivation.

In fact, every regret holds its significance—those missed people briefly passed through your life, and those unfulfilled desires are part of your life.

Understanding the impermanence of life and allowing things to unfold naturally, just like allowing flowers to bloom and trees to grow, is the only way to truly let go of regrets. Only by releasing regrets can the burden be lifted from the heart, and only then can you move forward unencumbered.

Releasing regrets will reveal joy at every turn in life, beauty everywhere you look, and people you meet who are kindred spirits. When you truly let go of regrets, you'll discover that regrets themselves hold a certain beauty. Some people are just passers-by, but some stories are worth treasuring. Letting go of regrets fills your future with happiness and beauty.

Let Go of Attachments for Inner Tranquillity

I've heard this saying: If a person can't free themselves from their attachments, they can't be truly free. This holds true because deep attachments only create trouble and pain.

If one clings to a feeling that isn't reciprocated and cannot let go, choosing to start anew, or refuses to accept unchangeable facts while still holding on to unrealistic fantasies, it creates distress.

Deep-seated attachments might make one feel they have very little, causing them to obsess over someone or something, inadvertently glorifying the objects of their attachment. The more one clings to them, the more they influence and control.

Instead of continuously pursuing, it's better to release attachments and return to one's inner self. Become a person content from within, not fixated on someone or something, achieving financial and personal independence.

Do not excessively celebrate when gaining something or despair when losing. Maintain a sense of tranquillity and composure in facing life's ups and downs.

Once you let go of attachments, the heart can detach from desires, ceasing to attach to anything; this state of mind is tranquillity.

A serene heart can gather profound strength, remaining calm and composed, ultimately reaching the shores of happiness.

Attaining Peace of Mind

In life, many people pursue not happiness itself, but the happiness derived from comparing themselves with others, which is the root of unhappiness.

When a person adopts a mindset of comparison, constantly measuring wins and losses against others, it leads to anxiety and distress.

Seeing a colleague receive a promotion or raise while feeling stagnant oneself leads to envy and complaints about life's unfairness.

Noting that someone else's partner is exceptionally attractive while one's own isn't as satisfying could lead to blaming one's own fate.

Observing another's child being exceptionally bright while one's own is playful and mischievous can bring about feelings of disappointment and blame.

Constant comparison with others prevents one from experiencing inner peace and joy.

The act of comparison is, in reality, a thief that steals happiness. There's no comparability between the sun and the moon; they each shine brightly in their own time.

Each person's growth process is different, and it's not essential to rush. Excessive comparison only harms emotions and damages relationships.

Allow yourself, loved ones, and children some time; don't excessively compare with others. Follow your own path to avoid being influenced by others, thus stabilizing your emotions.

Only by releasing comparison can one achieve inner peace.

People with a tranquil mindset have no contention with the world and accept everything to unfold naturally. A mindset of tolerance and altruism not only nurtures the self but also brings nourishment to others, leading to natural beauty.

Let go of all mental strains, allowing the mind to freely roam, and relish a tranquil and liberated life.

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The Money Magnet

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Friday, September 13, 2024

The Money Magnet

Money embodies three distinct states. Initially, people seek money; subsequently, individuals seek suitable persons, and finally, money actively seeks those who match its requirements. The society will evolve into a state where money selects suitable individuals, and wealth will always flow towards those who align with it.

Money Prefers Attractive Individuals

Author Walter Isaacson described Steve Jobs when he first started working: barefoot, long-haired, dressed in a hippie-style jacket, with a body odour from not having showered for half a month. Despite his extraordinary business acumen, he consistently faced difficulties.

He was marginalized due to personal hygiene issues, assigned to night shifts; during the initial stages of his entrepreneurial journey, he scared off investors due to image problems; after a public dispute with executives, he was eventually fired from the company he founded.

In social interactions, appearance presents the first impression to others. To realize one's worth, one must first learn to maintain personal cleanliness and appearance.

In 1997, a Thai businessman faced a financial crisis, his years of savings vanished, burdened with enormous debts. Clad in inexpensive attire and sneakers, he pushed a cart to sell sandwiches. Despite his difficult life, he ensured he was neatly attired every day and wiped his shoes clean.

Dissimilar to other vendors who wore casual clothes, covered in oil stains, his neat appearance attracted more people to his small stand.

Numerous customers even lined up in front of his stall early in the morning, waiting for his sandwiches. His business prospered, enabling him to pay off his debts.

A year later, he reopened his company, once again becoming a prominent figure on the "Top Ten Outstanding Entrepreneurs in Thailand" list.

Why does money seem to favour people who are tidy and attractive? Perhaps because a presentable appearance in the eyes of others complements the need for self-care. Consistently paying attention to personal appearance not only respects others but also respects oneself and life. Just like the saying goes: "Money won't easily reward you if you don't reward yourself first."

Money is attracted to Gentle People

Let me share the story of a friend and her experience with her supervisor.

When she first encountered her supervisor, she didn't hold high regard for his leadership.

She perceived the supervisor as having an average educational background and being relatively young. She couldn't understand how the supervisor secured such an important position.

However, after a year of working together, her opinion of the supervisor underwent a complete transformation.

During times when the company's performance was poor, the boss would be in a bad mood, often fault-finding everywhere, and often using the supervisor as an outlet for venting.

However, this supervisor consistently managed to quickly grasp the boss's emotions and needs, remaining composed, not arguing or getting excited. Instead, the supervisor would calmly analyse the pros and cons before providing solutions.

When a colleague made errors in reporting sales data, causing panic and fear of reprimand, upon learning of the situation, the supervisor didn’t place blame but instead gently reassured them: "Don't worry, carefully check it again before reporting."

This gentle yet steady approach to handling situations won the trust of both the boss and colleagues. Within a short span of three years, the supervisor continuously moved up the ranks, eventually becoming the Director of Sales.

In the workplace, gentle people can easily touch the hearts of others, nurture them, and make work much more effective.

No one likes working with individuals full of negativity. Emotionally stable individuals possess a high-energy field that effectively handles people and situations around them.

Money seems to favour people who naturally incline towards such an emotionally stable disposition.

Money Chooses People with a Good Attitude

Psychologist Richard Wiseman conducted an experiment.

He recruited a group of subjects, first asking them to evaluate their own luck, then sending them to a coffee shop to buy coffee. On the way to the coffee shop, Wiseman designed two small tasks for all the subjects.

He placed a dropped dollar bill on the way and arranged for a merchant to pretend to be waiting for coffee in the cafe. The results showed that those who self-assessed as having bad luck almost completely ignored the dropped dollar and the merchant waiting for coffee. On the other hand, those who thought they had good luck not only picked up the money but also engaged in a pleasant conversation with the merchant during the coffee wait.

The study found that those who self-assessed with better luck generally had a better attitude, enabling them to quickly establish connections with the outside world. Conversely, pessimists are often more nervous, anxious, and can't see opportunities right in front of them.

In the face of reality, only by maintaining a smile can you overcome obstacles and focus on the future. With a wrong mindset, you'll face difficulties everywhere. But with the right attitude, the situations you encounter will be smoother.

After graduating from university, Kazuo Inamori was recommended by a teacher to join Matsushita Electric Industrial. Only after joining did he realize that due to the company's poor management, it was on the brink of bankruptcy and even unable to pay its employees.

Many colleagues sighed, feeling hopeless, left one after another, and some even advised Inamori to leave as well. However, he remained steadfast, believing that as long as the company didn't close down, and as long as he kept working hard, it could be turned around.

So, he moved kitchen utensils into the lab and devoted himself to product innovation. Two years later, he successfully developed a new material that was warmly welcomed upon its release in the market. The company's orders increased sharply, quickly achieving profitability.

Later, Kazuo Inamori said, "There are many factors for success, but the most important is attitude." When faced with difficulties, indulging in negative emotions only worsens the situation.

To maintain a peaceful mindset and focus energy on the matter at hand is the way to find a way out of difficulties.

Money Follows Clean People

"Every minute of every day in life is like a brick in the building you build. If a brick is used wrong or if you do wrong things, it may lead to the collapse of the entire building."

"Money does not enter dirty doors, and blessings don't soak the impure." People with bad behaviour may appear glossy for a while, but will eventually meet failure. Maintaining a pure and virtuous heart will always attract wealth no matter where you are.

Everything in the world is attracted to us by our inner self. A person without good morals cannot stand firm; an impure heart cannot accumulate wealth.

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Life's Creditors: We Owe Three People Throughout our lives

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Friday, September 6, 2024

Life's Creditors: We Owe Three People Throughout our lives

In our lifetime, we'll meet many people. Some whom we approach sincerely might disappoint us, while others may invest their whole hearts, but we remain indifferent. People long for their efforts to be respected and their sincerity reciprocated. Each encounter we experience essentially is predetermined.

Fate brings people together; without fate, even being close won't make you close, but with it, you can feel connected even if separated by thousands of miles.

If no debts existed, how would there be encounters? Indeed, meetings between individuals are predestined. In our future lives, these three types of relationships must be remembered and cherished because once lost, they cannot be regained.

The Greatest Act is the Unrewarded Act of Bringing Up

Firstly, we must remember our parents' act of bringing up. As the saying goes, "The grace of giving birth and raising you is greater than the sky." This grace is impossible to repay in one's lifetime. From our birth to growing up, our parents have been meticulous in their care for us, something we owe them for our entire lives.

There's a story that goes: An old man went to a cellphone repair shop to check what was wrong with his phone. The technician couldn't find any issue and told the old man his phone was fine. The old man, upon hearing this, burst into tears, "If the phone is fine, then why doesn't my child call me?" This story deeply touches my heart.

As we grow older, we often forget our parents. In the hustle and bustle of work, we tend to overlook them, sometimes not calling for a long time. Yet, our parents are always concerned about us. Even when you're away from home, they always keep their phones close, volume turned up high, afraid to miss your call. Despite understanding our busy lives, they choose to quietly wait. When the call finally arrives, they want to convey their longing for us but still inquire about our well-being, and that's enough for them.

Did you know? Their expression of happiness without reporting their worries is only surface-level. Once the call ends, they can't control their emotions, and tears flow because they miss us immensely.

"The term 'parents' refers to those who, looking at your back, are always filled with joy and sadness, wanting to embrace you but are afraid to show it."

As time passes and we grow wiser, the bond with our parents begins to fade. While they're still around, give them a call, visit home more often, and don’t wait until it's too late to feel remorseful about the missed opportunities.

Mutual Care, Love that Never Gives Up

Are you like me, not envy couples kissing on the streets but rather admire the elderly holding hands while strolling at dusk?

Many people believe that love is easy to come by but hard to sustain in the long run. However, I've always believed that a wonderful relationship nurtures an individual, making both people even better.

I have a friend who has been in a relationship with her boyfriend for ten years. When she decided to start her own business, she had to be in a long-distance relationship with her boyfriend. I asked her if she was worried about the stability of their relationship.

She said, "We've been together for so long, not only relying on each other but also supporting each other. He supports my decisions, and at the same time, I consider our future together. We cherish each other, and that's what makes our relationship enduring."

Indeed, only through cherishing can a relationship endure.

In relationships, companionship is the most enduring form of declaration of love. Parents may pass away first, children might have their own families, but the right person will accompany you through life's ups and downs and share the trivialities of daily life with you.

Love doesn't require grand gestures, but you must understand and cherish those who quietly accompany you, especially your significant other. In any relationship, there are mutual sacrifices. Moderate sacrifice is love, but excessive sacrifice can become dangerous.

Responses foster communication, and cherishing is what makes love last. Never assume that any contribution is taken for granted. In the long passage of time, cherish the one who has always been by your side.

The Helping Hand in times of trouble

There's a saying: "Life doesn't always go as planned, eight or nine times out of ten." Everyone goes through times of disappointment and destitution, but not everyone is fortunate enough to be helped by others.

Only time can verify a person's sincerity. Those who unhesitatingly support you in your most difficult moments, those who accompany you through your adversities, are the people most deserving of your gratitude and appreciation.

There's a story about a pair of good friends—an average-sized person and an overweight person. These friends had known each other for many years, always assisting each other, and passing through many difficult moments together.

One day, the overweight friend asked the average-sized one, "Why have you always wanted to be friends with me?" The average-sized friend replied, "In the past, others used to bully me because I was weak and thin. Only you were willing to protect me. Then, when I faced difficulties in my business, everyone else avoided me, but you were the only one willing to lend me money. Although you are a bit stingy, straightforward, and sometimes say hurtful things, I still feel that being friends with you is wonderful."

The most challenging people to encounter in life are those who help you in your times of trouble, who are willing to help you through tough times, and treat you sincerely. Because everyone is willing to share joy, but not everyone can have the friendship that offers help in difficult times.

Perhaps only through experiencing adversity can one truly see who is sincere and who is not. For those who genuinely treat you well, always hold a heart of gratitude. The way to repay is beyond measure; this kind of friendship is both rare and precious.

"In this world, when you meet someone who treats you sincerely remain a few." Therefore, those who ultimately remain by your side are the most precious. Only through cherishing will the path of life become brighter.

Even the most vigorous campfire, without added wood, will gradually die out. Similarly, even two deeply loving individuals, if they don't cherish each other, can become strangers.

When care diminishes, the relations become distant. As the relations become distant, emotions fade. Once the emotions fade, it's impossible to return to the past. May you learn to be grateful in your remaining years, thanking every person who has helped you.

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Life is Like Watching Drama

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Friday, August 30, 2024

Life is Like Watching Drama

"In our stages of growth, we long to see comedies, full of hope for a joyful life. As we step into our youth, we lean more toward tragedies to refine our fragile souls. Moving into middle age, we prefer to watch tragicomedies, seeking happiness from sadness and seeking pleasure in hardship. By the time we reach old age, we prefer to watch silent dramas, understanding the profound meaning of life in quiet silence."

This idea resonates deeply, as each stage of life has its own dramatic theme, with every act presenting a unique storyline.

Watching Comedies in Childhood

"Retain a childlike heart and nurture interests. A child's life is full of interests. They play, seek pleasure, wholeheartedly immerse themselves, and strive for joy."

Childhood is the opening chapter of our lives, the most carefree time when all children need to do is grow and embrace the promising future awaiting them.

I have a friend whose son has just entered middle school. Despite the increasing academic workload, his child is always optimistic and often wears a cheerful smile.

From a young age until now, his child has lived a remarkably happy life. Apart from the affectionate companionship of his parents, his grandparents also provide meticulous care.

The child particularly enjoys assembling LEGO toys. On Children's Day, Christmas, and his birthday, my friend gift him the LEGO sets he desires, allowing him to focus on assembling them.

He also has a fondness for reading, especially history books. My friend tries to buy suitable history books for him, expanding his knowledge.

Every weekend or holiday, his family goes out to explore, whether it's to a nearby park or as far as climbing the Great Wall in Beijing, continuously broadening his horizons.

Although occasionally faced with unpleasant incidents, the child quickly adjusts his emotions because he understands that his parents are his strongest support.

In the most wonderful stage of childhood, surrounded by a parent's love, a child growing up in such a warm environment is like a comedy filled with happiness, exuding an atmosphere of joy everywhere.

The stage of growth before eighteen is a vital part of every individual's life foundation. A child who grows up joyfully will have more confidence in the future.

The future belongs to every child, especially to those who remain optimistic and cheerful. Allowing a child to grow up in happiness is life's greatest blessing.

Watching Tragedies in Youth

Coming of age at eighteen signifies bearing more life responsibilities, which is the same for everyone. After experiencing various hardships, many young people may come to understand that the most crucial aspect of life is to temper one's inner strength through continuous trials. During the college entrance examination season, some kids tear up with excitement upon performing well, while those who don't fare as expected huddle in a corner, crying desolately. I came across a post from a netizen who said that he would never forget the moment years ago when the exam scores came out. He felt like there was no hope left in his life. His score was below the undergraduate admission threshold, which made him feel hopeless. He had to study in a college outside the province in a field he did not prefer. However, his determination allowed him to complete the three-year college program and eventually successfully transfer to a four-year program. Two years ago, he was admitted to graduate school back in his province. Reflecting on this experience, he expressed, "I thought my life was destined a certain way, but only after going through it did I realize that even in the most difficult moments, life still holds infinite possibilities as long as one doesn't give up." Approaching his graduation from graduate school, regardless of how easy or difficult it is to secure a job, he won't feel fearful because reality has made him much stronger. There's a saying, "If youth's years are wasted in vain, memories will be a tragic desolation." Nobody wishes their life to be a hopeless tragedy, but we may have to experience some disappointing events. Don't retreat or be pessimistic; every challenge in life actually contributes to the depth of our existence.

Watching Tragicomedies in Middle Age

The charm of middle age lies in understanding life and oneself, thus doing what one can and enjoying what life offers. Having experienced a myriad of life's joys and sorrows, those who have lived half a lifetime gradually come to understand themselves and life. Regardless of the immense sorrow or joy they feel, they can face them with more equanimity. In the halfway journey of life, we gradually learn to be indifferent since life involves both sorrow and joy. Middle age serves as the stage connecting youth and old age. Those who reach this stage may find themselves able to calmly face everything because that is part of the process of growth.

Watching Silent Plays in Old Age

As one enters old age, some individuals may no longer possess the fervour for struggle, only the gratitude for being fortunate to live through a day peacefully. However, this phase is not meant to be an idle remainder of life. Instead, it's an opportunity to draw experience from the past, comprehend the true essence of life, and ensure that the future years are more fulfilling and clear.

"Only through hardships can one gain a profound understanding of life, broadening the inner world; this is the key to happiness." Everyone wishes for a smooth life but can't avoid experiencing unfavourable situations and difficulties. Just as life experiences different storylines through its four stages, it includes both joy and sorrow, as well as commotion and tranquillity. Regardless of the stage one is in, what's crucial is living each stage marvellously, enabling a more insightful and freer way of living.

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