My four-year-old niece wanted to go play
with the little friend who always ends up fighting when they gather.
I felt worried, fearing they would end
up fighting again.
But my niece didn't care at all. She
innocently said to me, "It's okay, if we really fight while playing, we will
still play after fighting!"
At that moment, I suddenly felt that the
interaction between children is so straightforward and honest: they play
together when they want to, and even if they fight, they can still continue
playing without any hard feelings.
However, the interaction between adults
is much more subtle.
A single word, a gesture, a facial
expression... even a glance could cause a relationship to fall apart.
Adult socializing is far more complex
than we imagine.
Therefore, no matter who we are dealing
with, the sooner we understand these 10 unspoken rules, the better.
1.There are no permanent friends or enemies.
In reality, when it comes to human
relationships, everything revolves around self-interest.
"All the world is full of hustle
and bustle for benefits."
The people we meet on the journey of
life, whether friends or enemies, can instantly change roles because of the
word "benefit."
Good friends may turn into enemies due
to conflicts of interest, and enemies may form alliances due to common benefits.
There are no permanent friends or
enemies, only permanent interests.
2.Being soft-hearted and shy will only harm yourself.
Those who are too soft-hearted would
rather compromise themselves to suit others.
Shy people feel embarrassed about this
and that, eventually sacrificing their own feelings.
The essence of being soft-hearted and
embarrassed is to make things difficult for oneself.
By caring too much about others, we end
up seeing ourselves as objects that can be sacrificed at any moment.
Life is already difficult enough; don't
let soft-heartedness and embarrassment kill you.
3.Someone who doesn't want to trouble others definitely
doesn't want to be troubled.
For most of us, aside from work and
overtime, we have very little time for ourselves.
In the adult world, busyness is the
Busy with work, busy with life, busy
with everything in the world...
When a person is in such a busy state,
saying they don't want to trouble others implies that they also don't want to
be troubled by others.
This isn't cold-heartedness; it's a way
of guarding one's boundaries.
Moderate trouble between people can
strengthen relationships, but excessive trouble is rude.
4.When lending money to others, be prepared to not get it
The moment money is lent out, the
initiative is no longer in one's hands. When and how it is repaid is no longer
up to oneself.
Often, the lender is left with no option
but to justify not repaying the money, while the borrower is left empty-handed.
So, don't easily lend money to others.
If you must lend, be prepared to not get
it back when lending money to others.
5.Be confident in your intuition; everything that makes you
uncomfortable is true.
Comfort is the most important thing when
dealing with anyone.
When you frequently feel ignored,
suppressed, sad, anxious... or simply inexplicably displeased while interacting
with someone, don't doubt yourself, and don't make excuses for the other
person. Everything that makes you uncomfortable is true.
Those who truly care about you won't
leave you in a state of uncertainty but will provide you with enough certainty
and faith to nourish your relationship.
6.Conflict is the best test of a relationship's depth.
Would you constantly avoid conflicts for
fear of damaging a relationship?
If so, then perhaps you should try
facing a conflict and see what happens.
Because conflict is the best test of a
relationship's depth.
Those relationships that fall apart
after a single conflict were never deep to begin with.
It's the relationships that withstand
arguments and insults that truly deserve the label of "deep."
The sky is bluer after being washed by
rain; relationships that endure conflicts are stronger.
7.Don't talk about unhappy things too often; many times,
others just take them as jokes.
I used to think that when you're in a
low point, sharing your troubles would bring emotional relief.
But I later found out that when you
reveal too much vulnerability, you might not only receive superficial comfort
but also become the subject of ridicule behind your back.
It's not that we're overthinking; it's
that human nature can't withstand tests.
You might think others would sympathize
with you, but in reality, they might just see your troubles as material for
When you're feeling down, don't casually
confide in others; look inward for solace, and you'll heal in time.
8.Don't easily send long voice messages to others.
If you were to ask what behavior people
dislike most in communication?
Sending voice messages without regard
for time and place, especially long ones, would undoubtedly top the list.
Just imagine: you're in a meeting, and
someone sends you several voice messages in a row. Would you listen to them?
Whether you're on the subway after work,
just getting your child to sleep, or chatting with friends... sending voice
messages at inappropriate times can be very off-putting.
Even if someone is willing to listen to
a voice message, what if they can't understand it due to various reasons?
So, when chatting, type if you can, and
if you must use voice messages, make sure to get the other person's consent
9.Sometimes, not responding is the best response.
Knocking on a door that won't open
becomes impolite after a while.
Sometimes, not responding is the best
Among adults, people tend to be more
reserved than straightforward, and not every response needs to be explicitly
Not responding often signifies
unwillingness, disinterest, or inability to comply.
Asking again would not only be pointless
but also embarrassing for both parties.
Instead, give each other a way out;
understand and remain silent, and perhaps you'll meet again someday.
10.When you're trying not to offend anyone, you end up
offending everyone.
"The most difficult thing in the
world is?" Someone commented: "Putting your thoughts into someone
else's head."
Not all birds fly under the same sky,
nor do all fish inhabit the same sea. People are the same; not everyone lives
in the same environment.
This means we will have different
perceptions, preferences, and habits of life, and naturally, different ways of
interacting with others.
So, there's no need to demand that
others be like us.
If you're trying not to offend anyone, you end up offending
Just like if something is good for everyone, it also mean
that it is not good for everyone.
In this world, you might strive for
fitness, learning, wealth...
and you may receive excellent rewards
for your efforts.
However, maintaining relationships
between people isn't easy and might even become more difficult the harder you
Human relationships require mutual
If you're making efforts to maintain a
relationship while the other person is not reciprocating, you'll never truly
get close.
Rather than wasting time maintaining
such a relationship, it's better to improve yourself. If you flourish, the
breeze will come naturally.
Good relationships are about attraction,
not effort.
Because in that case, not only are you
miserable, but to others, it's like a disaster.
When adults interact, the exhaustion
comes from there always being too much left unsaid, words left unspoken, and
endless rounds of speculation standing between each other.
These 10 unspoken rules for adults to
get along with each other might not be openly stated, but they are crucial.
Truly understanding them can solve most of the troubles we encounter in
interpersonal communication.
May we walk through this world without
being burdened by others, without being trapped by relationships, and live
freely throughout our lives.
Read Also:
Beyond Kindness: The Power Play in Relations
Listen: Podcast