Saturday, February 5, 2022

Gotten HRW over the CNY break

Covid 19 seems to be quite distanced from me until my brother got positive on CNY eve, what a start to the long CNY break . Then we scrambled to read up on the everchanging protocol in order to know what to do next. After he was confirmed positive with the ART as well as the PCR test at the clinic near our house, the rest of the family members were issued with a health risk warning (HRW) one day after.

We self isolated and submitted the results of our ART results immediately after gotten the SMS to test within 24 hours. We were to test daily for 7 days and we can go about doing our normal activities if tested negative. We minimized going out, only going out to get the ART test kits and to get the daily necessities. 

The CNY this year was certainly quite memorable, toned down reunion dinner, strictly no house visiting, maybe the only optimistic part was that the other family members are still fine at the moment.

Till today, my brother is still tested positive. I guess living with Covid 19 will be the norm in Singapore especially with the spike in the cases in this few days. 

Take good care, stay safe and be responsible, Cheers everyone.

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