Friday, May 19, 2023

The five most influential things about your future

 What you worry about right now may not matter at all.

Have you ever wished you could go back in time and talk to your "self" back then? Have you ever wished to live again with all the memories and knowledge you have now?

People always get caught up in this mental cycle - remembering the past, thinking about the future. But how much do these memories and reflections actually benefit us?

You spend a lot of time reflecting on the past, but have you ever wondered what you can learn from your future self? Let’s make some guesses about what your “future you” expects from your “present you” so you can make better decisions in the moment.

We can start with the following ideas.

The things you worry about now aren't that scary in the long run

Whether it's the little troubles you face in your life, or those big setbacks and obstacles, it's the same, eventually they will pass, and you don't need to worry too much. Your gut knows this, but it's really hard to stay calm when you're deep in it.

I look back on all the stressful and worrying moments in my life, and the things that bothered me at the time are now largely unrecognizable.

People always recover from difficulties and blows. In the long run, I like to pamper myself with this quote from Marcus Aurelius: "If you had to do it, you would fight it with the same weapons of reason that are helping you fight the present today."

For the short term, I like this quote: "If it doesn't matter in the next 5 years, don't spend more than 5 minutes being angry about it."

I use these two sentences to remind myself that all the anxieties and worries I feel in the present moment are insignificant in the long run. This doesn't completely solve my problem, but it definitely helps.

You don't know what your potential is

In fact, people adapt very quickly to growth. I'm totally used to the life I have now, a life I couldn't have imagined a few years ago. I've had a very big transformation in the past few years, but I'm sure that the "me of the future" will still shock and surprise the "me of the present".

If you work hard enough long enough, you'll have a fast breakout period. When your action effort accumulates to a certain level, the growth will be multiplied. It feels like interest growth (compounding) on ​​an investment account.

In the beginning, the effort you put in is like putting in a tiny amount of money in early financing with little sign of growth. The changes are so small that sometimes people wonder why they are doing it.

Why bother trying to grow your business when you barely have any customers? Why try to start writing when you don't have a fan? What's the point of striving for a dream when you don't have any proof that it will work?

You start doing something because you have nothing better to do. So why not do it? You don't even have to worry about hitting the ceiling over time. Sincerely, good luck will come naturally.

You don't have to think about your whole life purpose right now

Psychologist Daniel Gilbert has a great book called Stumbling on Happiness.

There is a passage in the book: "We treat our future selves as we treat our children, spending a lot of time for them in the hope that they have a good future ... but often it backfires."

You work hard to make your future self happy. The problem is, you can only use your current perceptions to make decisions for your future self. In the future, you may have completely different tastes, beliefs, and interests than you do now.

You can never be sure if you've found the perfect life purpose, but that doesn't matter. Your goals aren't set in stone, and they don't need to be perfect. Goals can change as you develop.

But you can't determine your purpose in life through fantasies behind closed doors. You need to do more before the end result is clear. When you stop playing a passive role in your life, goals naturally emerge.

I'm going to spend more time traveling, don't be too tight, relax and enjoy life. I realized that I didn't need and no longer wanted to be as rich as I once hoped. I'm trying to be content and not just trying to climb up.

You have to learn to live in the moment

Life is never ending and has no end.

I thought trying to follow my dreams would give me that feeling and get me to a successful end. But once I get what I want, soon my emptiness will be filled. I would be happy, but fleeting.

I don't mean to say that chasing dreams is a waste of time. It's about the fact that we live in the moment, and no matter what you do, you can't avoid that fact.

We are all desperate for a better future that ends up being just another present. So what's the point of living if we don't enjoy the moment at all?

Even now, I try to remind myself of that. I do have more goals, more milestones, more new projects, but simply pursuing these successes will not solve the ultimate problem, never will. So I try to focus on the process of doing things, focus on the present, even if I keep thinking about the future in my head.

Stop begging for it. Life has no finish line. Some are only now. Stop chasing. Start embracing what is happening now. There will never be such a magical end point where you can completely stop and rest, lie down in your past glory and do nothing, learning to enjoy the moment is what matters.

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