Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Health is Wealth

Went to Commonwealth MRT Station to take a look at the old Tanglin Halt before its redevelopment. Under the Selective En Bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS), 31 blocks of flats as well as market and hawkers stalls were slated for demolition.

Taking a walk at Tanglin Halt 

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1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    Just for fun, let me give a different take to the cliché "Health is Wealth".

    For the majority of people, health is more important than wealth. With health, people can grow wealth, but not vice versa. One is less likely to be able get back health with wealth. Just look at the number of millionaires, billionaires that have passed on.

    In some poor countries, wealth is more important than health. You have people selling their kidneys for money, people engaging in dangerous work or risking their health / lives just to earn a few dollars.

    And health is at best temporary, while one's wealth can continue to grow if invested well even after one has passed on.

    Just to sum up why health is NOT equal to wealth:

    1. Health is more important than wealth for vast majority
    2. Wealth is more important than health for some poor people
    3. Health has a shelf life, ie decreases as one gets older, while wealth can continue to grow and compound.
    4. With good health, one can grow wealth, but not vice versa
    5. You can bequeath your wealth but not your health.
    6. Mathematically, if health = wealth, then wealth = health. This statement is NOT true.


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