Tuesday, January 24, 2023

ENFJ (Educational Educator)

 ENFJ (Educational Educator)

I. Summary

If you ask someone a question, and that person knows everything, says everything, and wants to teach you, give you his heart, and teach you from time to time, this person is likely to be an ENFJ.

A few key words for ENFJs are openness, instilling conviction, charisma and a sense of justice. The initial impression of ENFJ is warm and candid, although all EF types can be said to be warm, the word used to describe ENFJ here is warm and candid, because ENFJ's feelings shine on others like the sun or a searchlight, And when the searchlight shines on you, everything of itself is exposed to you, and nothing is hidden.

2. Analysis

ENFJ personality types make up about 2%-3% of the general population.

Each preference of ENFJs and the composition of those preferences make them inherently infectious and persuasive. Focus on outsiders and the world, and have a large social circle (E); at the same time, they believe that the world is full of infinite meanings and endless opportunities (N); and on the basis of this understanding, make subjective and humane judgments and Decide (F); at the same time believe that the living and working environment is organized, planned and orderly (J).

NFs are all sensitive to human nature, or to put it further, NFs will instinctively pay attention to the growth of human nature and the development of life, but the attitudes of the four NFs to these issues are very different. For example, ENFPs will pay attention to all kinds of interesting things in life. Possibilities, INFPs will continue to ask about the meaning of life, but P-type NFs do not like the so-called "correct answer", because the correct answer means closure, which means that there is no need to discuss again after the conclusion is reached. On the other hand, ENFJs and INFJs tend to think that there are “correct answers" to all kinds of big problems in life, and they will find the so-called "correct answers" as their beliefs. In the eyes of ENFJs, the whole world is a harmonious whole, and this whole has purpose and meaning. This purpose and meaning is actually only the ENFJ's own point of view, but they are convinced of this and try to instill this belief in others. Remember the word here, indoctrination.

People with NF preference do not like cold information generally; they are not interested in chemistry and geography. They prefer English and Chinese, and mathematics and physics are not too bad.

3. Traits and characteristics  

ENFJs love human beings, and their love for human beings has a lot to do with their idealized view of human beings and others, because ENFJs often see a person as what a person should be, not what the person actually is now, and idealize people . This is actually an educator's perspective, isn't it? A good teacher sees the student as what the student should be, not what the student is now, so many materials refer to ENFJs as educators. Because of this special way of looking at others, ENFJs will often ask others to achieve self-realization, to ask others to be better, as if it is a responsibility of everyone to themselves, in other words, ENFJs will think that there is no self It is abnormal, regrettable, missing, wrong, and needs to be corrected.

Since they are called educators, ENFJs are naturally good teachers and like to teach. They like to tell big truths because they want what they say to be meaningful, and the most meaningful thing is to share the various life truths they have discovered with others. So they also like to play the role of life mentors. Even if they can't be life mentors, ENFJs have an irrepressible urge. As long as the ENFJ understands anything first, then they are likely to be the best person to teach it to others, that is, educators. ENFJs like to persuade by preaching, and for them, persuading a person is the same as educating a person.

ENFJ's work style is aggressive, confident, and has a strong sense of interpersonal cooperation. Always sparking enthusiasm, perseverance, humour, and getting the job done. They do everything they do with a positive attitude and genuine trust in others. However, if you are not careful, they may be regarded as mere formality by others, just making a superficial statement.

ENFJs are very sensitive to the mission and values ​​of the organization, or they will place high ethical demands on their organizations. For example, let’s say an organization claims that its work is to change the world. It is likely that this is just a marketing strategy, but ENFJs will be very serious about whether we are really changing the world. Be very careful. ENFJs are easy to get promoted in the company, but what really motivates them may only be the company's desire to serve people.

When interacting with colleagues, ENFJs will pay great attention to the various states of the people involved. First, their N preferences focus on the actions and reactions of those involved—who is stressed, who needs encouragement, who should be criticized, who is eager to talk to someone. Then they use the J preference to make some reasonable suggestions. Maybe it depends on the situation, but at least the ENFJ has a directional opinion in mind.

In the vast majority of cases, ENFJs' advice is extremely valuable, and they are loved and admired as objects of trust. But once their opinions and suggestions are not adopted, the ENFJ will be extremely sad, and feel a little angry that the other party is so unappreciative.

ENFJ women's performance at work is often commendable. They have an excellent sense of priorities and can always do the "must" and “should" things that everyone expects. Not that they wished or liked to do it, they fervently hoped that it would make everyone happy. ENFJ women are often seen as role models and idols. This is what they are happy to see. If there's one downside to ENFJ women, it's that they are too idealistic on certain issues and distance themselves from others. ENFJ males also behave in this way, but it's a bit surprising that this behaviour occurs in females.

ENFJ men experience more serious problems at work. Many of the F preferences they display at work are constantly challenged, and these behavioural traits include being soft-hearted and caring, so ENFJ males swing back and forth between two roles. When showing a hard heart, they are accompanied by a sense of guilt and loss of self. If they tend toward natural preferences, their masculinity will be questioned to the point that they deliberately do certain behaviours to prove that they are truly masculine. An effective way to integrate innate preferences and acquired social environment demands on men is to engage ENFJ men in psychology and other human-related careers. Most of these career fields are male-dominated, but they need to have feminine qualities: perseverance, caring, self-improvement, dedication, broad-mindedness— the noble qualities that are traditionally feminine.

4. Preferred career fields

ENFJs prefer to work in a wide range of fields, and perform better in areas such as information communication, education, service industry, health care, business, consulting, and technology.

Typical occupations suitable for: Advertising account manager, magazine editor, clinician, career planner, training specialist, university professor (humanities), sales manager, programmer, coordinator, marketer, journalist, social worker, HR workers, TV producers, PRs, heads of non-profit organizations, etc.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of the work

1. Advantages at work may include:

a)    Excellent communication and presentation skills

b)    Natural leadership and cohesion

c)    Enthusiasm and strong ability to seek cooperation

d)    Resolute, decisive and organized

e)    eager to innovate

f)     Emotional integration with others, able to anticipate the needs of others, and genuine concern for others

g)    Wide range of interests, flexible mind

h)    Can see the big picture and see the connection between behaviour and consciousness

i)      Push yourself to make achievements and achieve your goals

j)      Be responsible for what you believe in

2. Weaknesses at work may include:

a)    reluctance to do things that conflict with their own values

b)    It is easy to idealize interpersonal relationships

c)    Difficulty working in a competitive, stressful environment

d)    Impatience with people who are inefficient or dead-headed

e)    Avoid conflict and easily overlook unpleasant things

f)     It is easy to make hasty decisions without gathering enough evidence

g)    reluctance to discipline subordinates

h)    Easy to meet small-scale management, never give up control

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Application of MBTI knowledge in workplaces

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