Friday, January 20, 2023

INTJ (Independent Expert)

INTJ (Independent Expert)

1. Summary

The main characteristic of INTJs is that they are highly calm and attentive, as well as thoughtful. In some books, INTJs are called expert types. This is because most INTJs will focus on one field, and then they will be very in-depth, fully understanding all aspects of a professional, and become a big shot is admired by everyone. I personally think that INTJs are also one of the most persistent of the 16 types.

INTJs can best be summed up in terms of "independence." Independence is what fuels their prospects. INTJs want everyone to be independent, if possible. This sense of independence may conflict with their simultaneous desire to be in control of their surroundings. Therefore, as a colleague or subordinate of an INTJ, you must understand that "independence" is the ultimate goal, but the acquisition of this independence must be recognized by the INTJ. So when you start to do what you think is independent work, the results of the work often fall short of the requirements of INTJs. 

Catchphrase: You're not doing it right, this is how it should be...this...and this. 

2. Analysis

The INTJ personality type is the smallest, making up about 1% of the population. Unlike INTPs, who also have a low proportion of the population and a high degree of similarity, INTJs are more planned and rigorous, but at the same time lack the inclusive and exploratory spirit of INTPs.

The INTJ pays attention to its various possibilities (N) in the treatment of things, and processes these possibilities, conceptualizing, systematizing, and finally transforming them into objective decisions (T). These decisions are easy to implement because their usual lifestyle is very organized and planned (J). Their introversion (I) preference makes their inner world an arena for ideas that far outnumber the desires that have been put into practice. These four tendencies combine to make INTJs confident, composed, competent, perceptive, and constantly self-affirming.

The I and N sides of the INTJ's personality conflict with their T and J traits. The former usually gives a somewhat casual and open feel, while the latter often demands reliability and punctuality. If the INTJ is making it clear, it should be, “If you can get things done quickly and well every time, then you'll have more flexibility and freedom to play." 

3. Traits and characteristics

INTJs are natural conceptual experts, and INTJs are consummate thinkers with an interest in the future. They are inspired by a rich imagination, and at the same time have a strong sense of responsibility in their bones. Often, they take responsibility for solving complex problems and use their creative talents as leaders.  These types of people can be entrusted with important tasks, and they won't always bother you with their needs.

There are very few things that can stun an INTJ. Therefore, this type of person usually gets a rapid promotion in the company, and this type of person dominates. Their composure gives them the ability to improve existing ideas in all aspects, and their composure shows that they have outstanding leadership skills. We are convinced that this type of person dominates the leadership of Japanese companies. The composure gives them the ability to improve existing ideas in all aspects, from design to production to marketing. This capability became a key factor in Japan's rising status in the international market at the end of the 20th century.

INTJ managers are also perpetual students. INTJs are constantly exploring and pursuing “what could be". Their intuition is well suited to accommodate new technologies, procedures, motivations, and methods in the system. They tend to keep making improvements to things. . Even if those things work well, they're going to reform it. This tendency means that everything at work is taken for improvement. For each project, the INTJ continually evaluates, reviews, and even revises it. Even if there is an order to maintain the status quo, INTJs will not stop trying to make small improvements on top of the status quo.

INTJs are suitable for all kinds of planning and layout work, especially those that need to apply theoretical models in practice. The work style of INTJs can be said to be completely revolving around planning, which actually creates a very interesting phenomenon, that is, INTJs often make several plans for an event, a main plan and two or three backup plans. Because INTJs memorize every aspect of the plan and anticipate possible problems, as well as prepare next-level solutions for the problems they foresee. All in all, implement plan A first, prepare plan B where plan A may go wrong, then plan C, plan D, and so on. One can see that almost everything is predicted and planned by the INTJ.

INTJs are probably the most capable of learning among the Type 16s, and because the entire modern school curriculum is well suited to INTJs, they are often among the top performers in a school or class. Not only that, INTJs are also the type that understands esoteric knowledge and complex theories best, so on the throne of human knowledge, usually INTJs are sitting, for example, a large number of theoretical physicists, philosophers and mathematicians are INTJs, so in addition to planning, we think INTJs are also very suitable for all kinds of difficult mental work, especially scientific research work. Their ability to control the theoretical system is beyond the reach of countless other extremely intelligent types; we know that one of the scientific research the core is skepticism, and INTJs happen to be one of the most skeptical types among the 16 types; of course, they are also very independent and rarely dependent, and their strength in this regard is actually not under ENTJs.

In terms of disadvantages, INTJs often give people a feeling of being too serious. We know that INTJs are all anti-types of ESFPs, and ESFPs are the best at joking and telling jokes, so INTJs are actually the worst at joking and telling jokes. Because their thinking is so meticulous and logical, it must not be funny at all, not to mention that INTJs may also be one of the oldest psychological types of the 16 types; and INTJs are often into believing in logic and theory, while ignoring things that may not be explained by theory but are actually important, also makes INTJs less good at things that require hands-on work, such as getting an INTJ to do a dance, That would kill him; in addition, INTJs are also impatient with simple repetitions, which is in stark contrast to ISTJs who are only one letter away from INTJs; in addition, INTJs can also be very poor at expressing themselves Because they instinctively convert various feelings into logical thinking, INTJs in their youth can even feel cold and unsympathetic to others, because INTJs are rarely influenced by themselves out of the need to remain calm and insightful.  Emotional loss of control is very rare for INTJs, because it means they lose control over themselves, which means their willpower is destroyed, which is terrifying for INTJs. It is for this reason that INTJs despise people who are emotionally vulnerable and often dying, although INTJs rarely express this contempt.

In terms of marriage. Strong planning and high rationality make INTJs develop more smoothly and slowly in love and marriage than other types. INTJs (if they want to get married) will consider love and marriage as part of their long-term planning in life. They will arrange a specific period of several years or even a year, during which time they will execute the plan, that is, focus on getting married, and during this time they will be very efficient from love to marriage. Conversely, before the time period when the INTJ plans to get married, the probability that they will fall in love at first sight and then break the plan and get married early is actually very small. Among female INTJs in particular, there is a high rate of late marriages or even non-marriages.

Special note: If the INTJ doesn't meet the right person (marriage partner), it's usually not because they don't feel it, but because it's out of place.

INTJ women face special challenges at work. The characteristics described above, such as independence, objectivity, and strong control, are contrary to the traditional requirements for women. INTJ women challenge tradition and constantly improve and innovate. Traits can get in trouble in a male-dominated workplace. This conflict can lead to dissatisfaction and rejection between the two genders: men who don't understand and don't know how to deal with the INTJ woman's style of behaviour; and other women who see her as arrogant and indifferent to others. In reality, INTJ women are often impatient.

What makes more people intolerable is the indifference of the INTJ woman: at work she is always very cautious and extremely professional, paying great attention to her words and deeds; she rarely talks about her personal life and strictly separates it from her work. Their discreet, professional work ethic and their seemingly closed, private lives make it difficult.

Like other intuitive types, INTJs can feel overwhelmed when they are bombarded with too many details. Their introverted and intuitive nature makes them more willing to imagine and speculate rather than act. Likewise, INTJs can become impatient, disorganized, and even frustrated when faced with requests, especially those related to people's needs and trivial project details. At work, they need to take some time every day to reflect and think. This helps them find inspiration within them, and it also enables them to fully enjoy the “what might" imagination without thinking about the reality.

Despite these issues, the contribution of INTJs to corporate culture cannot be underestimated. They are successful in many occupations due to their excellent performance on the job. INTJs get good results in the things they put their energy into. They are excellent teachers, especially in high school and college, because they teach students to think independently. They can also be good writers. Managers, academics and lawyers, especially as business partners, will do well.

4. Preferred career field

Preferred fields of work: business, finance, technology, education, health care, medicine and professional, creative career fields.

Preferred typical occupations: intellectual property lawyers, management consultants, economists, international banking staff, securities investment and financial analysis experts, design engineers, programmers, various scientists, technical experts, financial experts, information system developers, Integrated Network Professionals.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of the work

1. INTJ strengths at work may include:

a)    Can see how things might develop and their potential implications

b)    Like complex theories and intellectual challenges

c)    A talent for creative problem solving and the ability to examine problems objectively

d)    Achieving goals without hesitation even in the face of obstacles

e)    Self-confidence, and will act recklessly to implement his own assumptions

f)     Strong motivation to be competent and successful at work

g)    Can adapt well to a person working alone, independent and autonomous

h)    High standards and strong working principles

2. Disadvantages of INTJs at work may include:

a)    Loss of interest in the program when the creative part of the program is completed

b)    It is easy to force others to work as much as you force yourself to work

c)    Impatience with those who are less responsive than you are

d)    Reluctance to work with people you think are less capable than you

e)    abrupt, irrational, and lack of communication skills, especially when you are in a hurry

f)     No interest in small worldly things

g)    stubbornly insist on oneself and one's point of view

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Application of MBTI knowledge in workplaces

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