Tuesday, February 28, 2023

ESTJ (Manager)

 ESTJ (Manager)

1. Summary

ESTJs are great at getting things done; they like to manipulate situations and make things happen; they are responsible, conscientious, and keep their promises; they like to be organized and can remember and organize many details. They begin to reach their goals in a timely and as efficient and systematic manner as possible. They live by fixed rules, so they are persistent and dependable. They tend to be traditional and interested in maintaining existing institutions.

In some books they call them supervisors, stewards, etc., but what is actually behind it is that the ESTJ makes everyone do what he should do, and keeps everything where it should be, so ESTJ is a natural manager.

2. Analysis

ESTJs make up 9%-10% of the population because their personality is very obvious and easier to identify.

ESTJs are outgoing, good at socializing, very straightforward, and concerned about the outside world (E); they focus on the present and practical, and take a practical look at problems (S); they can analyse and judge various issues objectively and impartially and make decisions (T); at the same time, they do things planned, respectful of organizational structure and self-disciplined (J).

As a student, ESTJ respects teachers, obeys the rules, hopes to be treated fairly, and generally likes mathematics and chemistry in terms of subject preference; he is not interested in humanities.

As we mentioned earlier, the 16-type personality INFP is the " softest " type, and in turn ESTJ is the most powerful type, although all EJs are strong aura types, only ESTJ's aura can be used "domineering side leakage" To describe it, it can sometimes feel uncomfortable.

In the eyes of ESTJs, various forms of rules such as laws, ethics, organizational rules, and discipline are above the existence of individuals, and individual interests cannot surpass collective interests. ESTJs agree with this very much, so in their eyes, all kinds of rules should be strictly followed; and ESTJ's outgoing and strong aura makes them take the supervision of the implementation of the rules, that is, maintaining organizational discipline as their responsibility, So they will instinctively become a supervisor (similar to the role of a referee). When they find anyone breaking the rules and breaking the discipline, they will blow the whistle decisively and directly reprimand those who, in their opinion, belong to the unruly. The ESTJ speaks very directly and rarely considers the other person's personal feelings, so it often causes a lot of pressure to the F-type colleagues around him. Many people will be afraid to see him. From the ESTJ's point of view, he will also prefer those friends and colleagues who follow the rules, and the least favourite are those who are free-spirited, or unorganized and undisciplined. The ESTJ will think that since you are in the organization, you You have to take the responsibility that the organization entrusts to you and do what you should do. If you neglect your duties and are under my management authority, then don’t blame me for being rude to you. Discipline is discipline, and there is nothing to discuss.

At the same time, due to the reality, objectivity and rationality of ESTJs, in fact, his orders and reprimands are basically more tenable-they are reasonable and not emotional, and always proceed from a realistic point of view. Therefore, whether their orders or reprimands, generally other people can accept them, and it can even be said that they are willing to obey.

Note: ESTJs are more common among excellent managers in the business world. 

3. Traits and characteristics

After the above analysis, it is not difficult for us to infer that the ESTJ's characteristics are more suitable for positions in the workplace - managers.

It is emphasized here that although ESTJs are very similar to ENTJs, ENTJs are more in control of the overall situation, strategy, and direction, so ENTJs are more like leaders.

We all know that management needs to increase anti-entropy and turn disorder into order. Without some basic rules, any organization can only be a mess, and ESTJ's management style is tough, efficient, and meticulous. In their strong control, the desire is very realistic and practical, so they may have to take care of everything, and want to do many things by themselves, which of course makes them very tired, but they are very hard-working type, so they will feel that in fact It doesn't matter.

If you're looking for someone to do a job, establish a set of rules, implement a system, or evaluate an on-going project, look to an ESTJ, they're the best fit.

As a rule, ESTJs are promoted to the top of management in basically any organization. If that's not the case, it's usually because their EJ preferences are causing others to go against it, or their argumentative nature is allowing their opponents to gain the upper hand. If they can reflect on this all the time, and be more patient with those who disagree with them when demonstrating their professionalism, they will surely be able to take leadership positions in the future.

ESTJ men are more comfortable with most corporate norms. These people tend to be well-dressed, trustworthy, loyal, respectful, and have most of the attributes of a gentleman. For them, these norms are the least they should follow, because "life is just like this", and they tend to impose this view on others unconsciously.

When it comes to traditional women, people tend to look after children at home, take care of housework, work in the kitchen, and work diligently for family harmony. Some female ESTJs have always restrained their impulse , and do not want to leave a domineering impression on others. In fact, when they are active in the organization, they often appear as managers. In real life, especially in the work environment, objective and assertive women are not so easy to accept, so thinking type (T) women tend to swim upstream. Especially as extroverted thinking women, they are not only very objective when making decisions, but the decisions themselves are also very leading and courageous, which will make some people feel depressed.

Let's talk about the shortcomings of ESTJs.

Because ESTJs are dominant and controlling types with a high sense of responsibility, their ability to deal with emergencies is often somewhat lacking. They have no tolerance for what they perceive to be poor organization, sluggishness, poor attire, or bad manners, which invite criticism from them. When things get out of control, ESTJs tend to lose their temper, talk loudly, stubborn, and domineering, stressing those around them. But they are not malicious; they just feel that they should take on the mission of the development of the world, and let people act according to the rules of the world itself. This kind of personality tendency in life is likely to be given to the people around them, especially the F or P type people cause great trouble.

At the same time, ESTJs are also very hierarchical, which makes them very impatient with their subordinates and juniors. Because of this, ESTJs do not listen to subordinates or those who they think are not qualified to express opinions. The same goes for children and other non-supervisors. ESTJs are particular and proficient in using authority management. ESTJs can also be the least empathetic of the 16 types if their F preferences are poorly developed.

So in order to improve themselves and improve their management skills, it is recommended to look at things such as psychology, sociology, literature, art and music, all of which will provide them with more insight and inspiration, and help ESTJs to respect the views of others, Realize that life is more than just a constant countdown and compulsive completion of various tasks.

4. Preferred career fields

Preferred fields of work: Marketing, service, science and technology, physical physics, management, professionals, etc. 

Typical occupations preferred: business executive, military officer, chief information officer, sporting goods salesperson, real estate developer, budget analyst, health administrator, pharmacist, credit counsellor, insurance agent, project manager, database manager, information director, logistics With supply managers, business operations consultants, stockbrokers, computer analysts, insurance agents, general contractors, factory supervisors

5. Advantages and disadvantages of the work

1. Strengths at work may include

a)    Focus on practice, care about results

b)    Able to undertake their own obligations powerfully; be able to cut through the mess when necessary, and be strong-willed

c)    Ability to focus on company (or organization) goals from start to finish

d)    Accurate, rarely make mistakes, and have a strong desire to do a good job

e)    Have the habit of following well established work arrangements and work procedures

f)     Sensitive to detect illogical, incoherent, unrealistic, and incompetent people or things

g)    Good organizational skills; can make decisions very objectively

h)    Believe in the merits of traditional models and be able to follow them

i)      Strong sense of responsibility; others can trust you to fulfil their promises

j)      Clear work ethic; pursuit of efficiency and results

k)    Reasonable, realistic perspective

2. Weaknesses at work may include

a)    A little impatient with people not following work procedures and ignoring important details

b)    Reluctance to try and accept new and untested perspectives and ideas

c)    Uneasy about change; repelling innovation

d)    Impatience with procedures or tasks that are inefficient or take a lot of time to complete

e)    Only consider immediate needs without considering long-term interests

f)     A tendency to ignore the needs of others in order to achieve one's own interests

g)    Difficulty seeing future possibilities

h)    Insensitivity to how policies or decisions will affect others

i)      Dislikes hearing contrary opinions; may interrupt others frequently

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Application of MBTI knowledge in workplaces

Friday, February 24, 2023

ISFJ (Dedicated Protector)

ISFJ (Dedicated Protector)

1. Summary

Loyal, dedicated, and compassionate, ISFJs are sober and responsible, willing to understand the feelings of others. At the same time very pragmatic, they like people who are peaceful and humble, they like to use a lot of factual situations, and they have a strong memory for details. They are patient with the entire phase of a task and like things to be clear.

In some books, ISFJs are called "caregivers" and "guardians", and some people call them “guardians". We can also guess the characteristics of this type of people from the literal meaning. The characteristics of ISFJs can be understood as keeping everyone away from various bad things.

If you use a few specific words to describe them, it should be: rigorous, conservative, sensitive, friendly, helpful

2. Analysis

There are many ISFJ types, accounting for about 13% of the population, and it is easier to identify them in life and work.

ISFJs like to work quietly on their own, they are cautious, reserved, with a quiet and rich inner world (I). They focus on the moment, their perception of the outside world is real(S), their decisions are always based on feelings, and they are people-centred in everything (F). They want to live in a disciplined and orderly way (J).

Like other SJs in terms of learning, generally primary and junior high school studies are good and relatively stable. In high school, there will be some fluctuations, and university studies are a bit difficult (except management). In terms of subject preference, ISFJs are the same as other SFs. Human factors. The influence is greater, and they are used to looking at people's “achievements", and are generally more interested in Chinese, English, politics, and history.

ISFJs are relatively "precocious" in that they tend to appear more mature than their peers as children (as opposed to the ESFP, ENFP, and other child types). Since childhood, ISFJ will give people a gentle and sensible feeling, regardless of gender.

ISFJs are one of the most pessimistic of the 16 types. Although the four SJs are generally pessimistic when looking at the future , ISTJs and ISFJs are relatively pessimistic, because ISFJs' F preference makes them pay more attention to emotions, pessimism makes them afraid, and they are very realistic and focus on the present , the result will often be in a state of constant vigilance, always alert to various dangers that may occur in reality. It is also worth noting that ISFJs are also one of the most stoic and hard-working types. ISFJs don't get flustered by extreme pessimism. They can see many dangers that others can't see and still remain calm. As F-type people, they are very sensitive to other people's feelings. These three factors combine to make It makes them very fond of and also good at doing some work of protecting other people, and they have an instinct to keep others away from danger and harm.

It is very comfortable to live with an ISFJ in life, and almost all types of people are melted by the protective gentleness of the ISFJ. At this point, the ISFJ type is very suitable for special education or service work for a specific group. There was a data show in the United States: in nursing, the dropout rate of the ISFJ type is the lowest; also, ISFJ also has unique advantages in caring for the elderly and children;

Note: Most ISFJs consider themselves “miserable", have a low sense of security, may be too pessimistic and appear distressed, but their distress is rarely contagious to others. 

3. Traits and characteristics

The mission and desire of the ISFJ is to serve others. Every manager likes ISFJs who are disciplined, caring, detail-oriented, gentle and considerate.

The ISFJ is also often one of the most dedicated and responsible people in an organization. Unlike the extroverted, ebullient ESFJs, ISFJs prefer to play the role of behind-the-scenes heroes. They are people who silently give and contribute to everyone. They are willing to live in the background and do not like to show their faces often. This approach of ISFJ will make people around them feel that all this is naturally deserved.

Almost everyone in the office enjoys working with an ISFJ, and after working together for a while they realize how gracious and pleasant they are. But when there is conflict in the office, ISFJs will pretend to be invisible or buried deep in their hearts and hope that the conflict will go away naturally.

ISFJs have high expectations for themselves and others regarding rules, bylaws, procedures, etc., and a set of do's and don'ts, and violating or disrespecting these is a no-no for the ISFJ. If someone is looked down upon by the ISFJ, it can take a long time to get his forgiveness. The ISFJ is an important pillar in the organization and an important member of the maintenance system. When other types of people have new ideas—from a new product, a new project, to the company's next gala, things might be less effective without the ISFJ's thoughtfulness, attention, and persistence.

As long as ISFJs are willing to do what they are willing to do, their endurance is extremely strong. Even if they have to work overtime, the materials are not in place, the time is tight, and the manpower is not enough, they will insist on completing the task. If the organization needs them, they can temporarily play any role. 

The ISFJ's silent support and unwavering confidence are invaluable assets at work, and the ability to positively affirm others at work or in any other way is a gift. Giving honour to someone who is the same is something only ISFJs can do. If someone benefits from an ISFJ's achievement, the ISFJ sees it as a reward for them.

Let’s talk about the shortcomings of ISFJs in life and work

The downside of ISFJs is also related to their main characteristic: they may appear miserable because they are too pessimistic, and they are most likely to think of themselves as a "miserable person." Because often in a state of worry and vigilance, there is a character of "licking the wound", which is very harmful to the body.

Being overly cautious will greatly reduce their power of action and make them less enterprising; because they think too much and believe that speaking too much will fail and silence is the golden principle, in the eyes of some people, they will the lack of candor is a barrier to the depth of their interpersonal interactions.

At work, responsibilities and obligations can become a burden for the ISFJ, who can get caught up in commitments to people and be taken advantage of. Especially when their own interests are threatened, if they are not careful, they are likely to give the impression of being easily deceived.

In the end, ISFJs may think too much about the people they love and care about, and their over-prevention of danger is likely to appear a bit "mother-in-law" in the eyes of the other party.

Note: Hey, what if... in case... in case... but what should I do? (ISFJ’s Mental Activity When Excessive Worrying)

4. Preferred career fields

Preferred fields of work are: health care, social services, education, business, service, design, arts.

Typical occupations preferred: Personnel Administrator, Nursing Physician, Nutritionist, Home Hygienist, Librarian, Interior Decorator, Paralegal, Database Manager, Information Director, Logistics and Supply Manager, Business Operations Consultant, Plant Supervisor, Journalist Accountants, welfare home workers, special education workers, hotel owners, project managers, etc.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of the work

1. Possible advantages at work:

a)    Ability to focus and focus well

b)    Strong work ethic, hardworking and responsible

c)    Good collaboration skills, able to build harmonious and friendly relationships with others

d)    Practical work attitude, practical and feasible way of doing things

e)    Great attention to detail, able to grasp the facts accurately

f)     Helpful and provide support and assistance to colleagues and subordinate staff in their work

g)    Understand the experience of the company (or organization) and be able to maintain the tradition of the company (or organization) well

h)    Outstanding organizational skills

i)      Willingness to work in a traditional institution and be conscientious and dedicated

j)      Ability to work continuously without getting bored with the same work tasks

k)    Very strong sense of responsibility; others can trust you to keep their promises

l)      Likes to use fixed procedures; respects the status and abilities of others

m)  Reasonable, realistic perspective

2. Possible disadvantages at work:

a)    May underestimate one's own abilities, as opposed to resolutely defending one's own needs and interests

b)    Reluctance to try and accept new and untested perspectives and ideas

c)    Overly sensitive to objections; feeling repressed in a stressful work environment

d)    May focus only on details and what is at hand, but not enough on the whole and the future

e)    Tendency to engage in too many tasks at the same time

f)     Difficulty adjusting to a new environment or switching back and forth between work tasks

g)    Easily overwhelmed and overwhelmed by too many work items or tasks to tackle at the same time

h)    May feel disheartened if oneself is not adequately valued and appreciated

i)      Reluctance to rethink the same issue once a decision has been made

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Application of MBTI knowledge in workplaces

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

ESFJ (Hospitable Host)

 ESFJ (Hospitable Host)

1. Summary

Friendly, compassionate, and responsible, ESFJs put their relationships with others at a high priority, so they tend to be talkative, popular, polite, and eager to please. They have amicable interpersonal relationships, and they go to great lengths to obtain and maintain them. ESFJs are realistic, practical, factual, well-organized, cautious, and very traditional.

I call ESFJs "hosts", and in some other books this type is also referred to as hosts or providers, meaning that they are always attentive and enthusiastic to provide you with all kinds of conveniences and services.

2. Analysis

ESFJs make up 12%-13% of the population.

ESFJs are sociable (E); pay particular attention to the details of work and themselves (S); support and appreciate others (F); want the work environment to be planned and orderly (J). The personality traits of such people are obviously easy to identify.

The words "shy" and "unfamiliar" do not exist in the ESFJ dictionary, and can quickly get along with everyone and become buddies (sisters)

Like other SJs in terms of learning, generally primary and junior high school studies are good and relatively stable. In high school, there will be some fluctuations, and university studies will be difficult (except management). In terms of subject preference, ESFJs are the same as other SFs. The influence is greater, and they are used to looking at people's “achievements", and are generally more interested in Chinese, English, politics, and history.

ESFJ is probably the most favorite type of class cadres for teachers, and is probably one of the easiest types to be managers in the workplace (the other is ESTJ).

ESFJ and ESTJ are two types of EJs in the SJ temperament type. The two types of EJs in the SJ temperament type are relatively strong, which means that they will influence others in a way that is more controlling and will act for others. Calling the shots, but the content of these two kinds of people calling the shots for others is different. ESTJs are sensitive to the responsibilities and obligations of others, so an ESTJ will order others to do what he thinks they should do; an ESFJ's F preference makes them sensitive to the rights and needs of others, so an ESFJ will like to push around more strongly People are mainly satisfied, so that they all have the kind of good life that he thinks they ought to have. This makes them one of the most ardent of the Type 16s.

3. Traits and characteristics

ESFJs are a group of amiable, kind, hard-working, and meticulous people. They are very good at knowing what others want and have a strong urge to meet other people's needs. In real life, we will find it necessary to reject an ESFJ gift to you. Things are difficult, because on the one hand you really need this thing, and on the other hand, he has put so much thought into it, so you are really embarrassed to refuse.

ESFJ is likened to a host, as the name implies, it is both a host and a master. In life and work, ESFJs are very fond of and are good at entertaining people that is, playing the role of banquet host - ESFJs are very good at things like entertaining guests and gifts, and they are also likely to be the most shopping type of 16 personality. As a member of SJ, ESFJ is also suitable for management work, but his management style is different from that of ESTJ. ESTJ will often be cold, giving people a feeling of superiority, but ESFJ is the friendliest among the 16 types. One of the types, they usually play such a role as "parent".

Gender can be an issue among ESFJs, and ESFJ women are rarely seen in upper-middle management because maintaining an orderly world at the top of management is traditionally and more commonly seen as " a man's business." Under the traditional way of thinking, very traditional ESFJ women may decline the opportunity for promotion and choose to be humble, which is incomprehensible to other non-ESFJ women, but for ESFJ women, they do follow their inner choices.

ESFJ men are another story. Conventional wisdom tells them to compete and advance, so we can see ESFJ men on any level of the work force. Competitiveness makes them more masculine than other types of males as they advance through the ranks; but ESFJ males are polite and well-behaved in the presence of females, and do not behave in the slightest.

ESFJ can well balance these two aspects in managing and managing affairs. ESFJ kindly inspires others, motivates employees in a timely manner, and is decisive and firm, and makes appropriate concessions. A strong sense of responsibility and ethics is deeply embedded in their management style; they follow their own unique style and expect others to do the same. They are so committed to the company that they sometimes seem to be slaves to the company, but ESFJs don't care about such rhetoric, and even wonder why others don't.

Then, talk about the shortcomings of ESFJs.

In interpersonal relationships, ESFJs also have their shortcomings. For example, they are too sensitive to the disharmony in interpersonal relationships, and they can't help but smooth out all kinds of flaws in interpersonal relationships. , ESFJ wants everyone to be harmonious, and it is the feeling of a family. In order to achieve this goal, they often spend too much time on mediating interpersonal relationships; what is more serious is that ESFJ intentionally avoids disputes. They think they have no mistakes (stubbornness) and are unwilling to face disputes. When there are differences of opinion, ESFJs will adhere to the principle of "harmony first". Loud voices, heated arguments, and different opinions may be regarded by ESFJs as irreconcilable manifestations of destroying interpersonal relationships and production. In such a situation, the ESFJ may be less wise or even helpless.

In addition, they are easily too attracted by the needs of others, and put their own needs last or even forget them. If the people around him don't know how to care and repay him in time, the ESFJ will fall into a vicious circle of more and more hard work.

Finally, as the most enthusiastic type, they are also the most likely to become overzealous. ESFJs are very concerned about the needs of others, including many things that may not be his responsibility, if they encounter some who are more independent, or especially introverted, the type that doesn't like others to interfere too much with them; ESFJs often give people a feeling of "nosy". At this time, ESFJs often "have good intentions and not reward them", and this feeling often hits them.

4. Preferred career fields

Preferred fields of work: health care, education, social services, consulting, business, marketing, service, clerical, etc.

Typical occupations preferred: sales representative, retail owner, real estate agent, veterinarian, special education teacher, credit counsellor, employee assistance counsellor (EAP), strength and conditioning trainer, nurse, physical therapist, marketing manager, athletic trainer, interpreter and translator, Human resource consultants, commodity buyers, PR account managers, etc., personal bank clerks, human resource consultants, receptionists, credit consultants, secretaries.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of the work

1. ESFJ strengths at work may include:

a)    Focus on interpersonal relationships and pay close attention to the needs of others

b)    extensive communication

c)    Willing to help others, popular

d)    Serious attitude and decisiveness

e)    Clear goals and organized work

f)     Responsible and dedicated to the company

g)    outstanding organizational skills

h)    Good at guiding and discovering the talents of others

i)      Be punctual and efficient, good at completing complex tasks

2. Disadvantages of ESFJs at work may include:

a)    excessive work

b)    Bring work emotions into your personal life

c)    Escape from differences and opinions

d)    putting too much pressure on yourself, worrying too much about something

e)    think you have made no mistakes

f)     Sometimes it is difficult to accept the opinions of others

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Application of MBTI knowledge in workplaces

Friday, February 17, 2023

ISTP (Humble Craftsman)

 ISTP (Humble Craftsman)

1. Summary

ISTPs are the most underrated personality type because they are low-key and humble.

ISTPs are candid, honest, and pragmatic. They are egalitarian, impartial, and prefer action rather than talk. They are humble, peaceful and reserved, often appearing cold and aloof, and easily shy, with a natural understanding of the methods and technicalities of getting work done, and are often proficient in the use of tools and manual labour. They tend to make methodical and confidential decisions, and they simply state the facts as they see it, methodically and directly.

2. Analysis

ISTP personality types make up about 5%-6% of the general population.

The characteristics of ISTP can be well described by "cherish words are like gold". They are hard to read and don't like to be in the public eye. Introversion (I) coupled with a liking (S) for practical matters and a focus on the "now" makes ISTPs seem cold. Their decisions are always objective, impartial, and analytically based (T). The daily life of an ISTP is improvised and flexible (P), and in a new environment, no matter who suddenly appears or what happens, the ISTP pays immediate attention, although they often don't say it.

In terms of learning preferences, ISTP type students generally prefer hands-on (chemistry) or practical subjects (such as English), and generally mathematics is better than physics. Like other STs, ISTPs prefer that teachers treat them fairly, and they need to be precise and logical in their lectures.

There is a word to describe a well-developed ISTP that is most suitable, and that is " artistic people are bold". Like other SPs, ISTPs also like adventure and seek stimulation, but their introverted personality makes them dislike too much. Make it public, and then you will find that many ISTPs are quietly trying scary things, such as rock climbing, and escape art that many magicians will perform, and so on.

ISTPs are mostly skilled craftsmen and super-hands at using tools. They have amazing skills. They are bold and careful. They like to constantly try new things and challenge themselves. Although they don't talk much, they often use their own, take action to convince others and gain social approval for you. This is the magic ISTP.

ISTPs will unconsciously become masters of using a certain tool. They are extremely fast and extremely precise in manual work, gardening, operating machinery, driving, disassembly and assembly, etc. At the same time, they also enjoy this kind of precision. They are very talented in the game of strong sexuality or “micro-manipulation” and they are masters in this regard. ISTPs are a little weaker in verbal expression, and ISTPs don't like to talk at length compared to their virtuosity. Most of the time they focus on what they are doing and are enjoy it. 

3. Traits and characteristics

In their relationship with others, ISTPs are a combination of generosity and wilfulness. On the one hand, they are very tolerant to those around them, and sometimes even as generous as ESFPs. On the other hand, they yearn for an unfettered and free life, so doing When making some decisions, you may not take care of the feelings of the people around you; in addition, because you are too focused on the action itself, it is easy to immerse yourself in the process of using tools.

As part of a team, ISTPs' perfectionistic tendencies and their personal integrity have always enabled them to do their jobs well without supervision.

ISTPs think that getting others involved in their work is a pure waste of time, not that they don't like other people's work, but they think it's a waste of too much time and energy to communicate things that they see as simple and straightforward. They believe that action is more effective than plans, and that doing real work to achieve goals is the real business.

Compared with men, the life of women in ISTP is not easy. When IT and SP are combined, they become an "independent craftsman" who loves practical technology. There have been very few outstanding "women craftsmen" in history. In modern times, ISTPs are known as tool obsessives, self-taught engineers, and first car-playing blacksmiths—they build cars to race, and keep improving so that the parts fit together more perfectly. They were the sports fans, the oil prospectors (who became the oil kings), and the early flight testers— flying those amazing aircraft over new routes that no one had ever tried. These are the most typical manifestations of the ISTP spirit. The technical colleges that emerged a century ago were designed to elevate the level of these technical hobbies. Obviously, these activities have nothing to do with the characteristics of women in people's minds. It is believed that none of these types of jobs are suitable for women. Although the current social environment has been much better, occupational discrimination still exists.

In management, the management style of ISTPs is usually abrupt, direct, and unconventional. They believe that the "do it, don't say it" approach should be used to motivate others. The problem is that many other types of needs are discussed and then acted upon. ISTPs are also willing to climb the management ladder, but they just see it as a fun game. Once interest wears off, their patience runs out, and they quietly walk away. Even if they stay there, it's going to be a little bad someday, just for the thrill of it.

Nowadays, under the trend of advocating "the old will not go and the new will not come" for both people and things, it is increasingly difficult for people to appreciate the ISTP's pursuit of accuracy and perfection.

4. Preferred career fields

Preferred fields of work: service, technology, criminal investigation, health care, business, finance, crafts, trade, etc.

Typical occupations preferred: computer programmer, software developer, medical emergency technician, business elite, business specialist, police officer, weapons specialist, fire-fighter, customs inspector, sports equipment/supply seller, marine biologist, economist, Securities analysts, bank clerks, management consultants, physiotherapists, pharmacists, garden service personnel, animal trainers, technical trainers, etc.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of the work

1. The advantages of ISTP at work may include:

a)    Excellent ability to handle limited tasks and substantial products

b)    Keen observation and excellent memory for factual information

c)    The ability to put messy data and identifiable facts into order

d)    Attitude to work alone or with someone you admire  

e)    Ability to keep calm in the face of crisis under pressure

f)     The ability to know what needs to be done and what must be done to get the job done  

g)    Attitude to work with hands and tools

h)    Ability to adapt well to sudden changes and rapidly occurring shifts

i)      practicality and a wealth of common sense

j)      Ability to identify and utilize effective resources

k)    Flexibility and willingness to take risks and try new things

2. Disadvantages of ISTPs at work may include:

a)    Difficulty seeing the far-reaching impact of actions

b)    Lack of interest in verbal communication, especially superficial communication

c)    Don't like to prepare in advance, you have some difficulty organizing your time

d)    Impatient with abstract, complex theories

e)    Tendency to feel dull and numb to others

f)     Tendency to become bored and agitated easily

g)    Difficulty seeing opportunities and options that didn’t exist before

h)    Impatient with administrative details and procedures

i)      Unwilling to repeat myself

j)      Difficulty making decisions

k)    Strong independence, do not like too many rules, bureaucracy

l)      Resist setting long-term goals and have difficulty meeting deadlines

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Application of MBTI knowledge in workplaces

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

ESTP (Practitioner Who Lives In The Present)

 ESTP (Practitioner Who Lives In The Present)

1. Summary

ESTPs are active, easy-going, naive and straightforward, enjoying the present rather than planning for the future. ESTP-type people are realistic, open-minded, and tolerant. ESTPs like to act rather than talk. When problems arise, they are happy to deal with them. They are excellent problem solvers.

Some books call them entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, initiators, etc., which means that ESTPs like to communicate with many people, work is full of adventure and fun (even exciting), seize opportunities at any time, and prefer to self-organize, Instead of being arranged by others, it is a practitioner who lives in the moment and arranges his own destiny.

2. Analysis 

ESTPs make up about 5%-6% of the population.

ESTPs like to pay attention to people, things, and everything that is happening on the outside (E). They prefer to perceive the world around them in a first-hand, down-to-earth way (S), and use this as a basis for making logical decisions without personal likes and dislikes (T). These characteristics constitute an impromptu, flexible, and constantly responsive lifestyle (P). The combination of "extroversion" and " seeking truth from facts" makes ESTPs tend to like being there, clinging to what's in front of them, because only "now" is the only thing that is reliable and can be trusted.

In terms of learning preferences, ESTP type students generally prefer hands-on (chemistry) or practical subjects (such as English), mathematics (algebra) is also good, and generally there are no subjects that are too prominent or lame, if any, That is when ESTPs feel they are useless or impractical.

ESTPs are one of the most charismatic and judicious of the 16 types. Most ESTPs have a very attractive appearance (especially their eyes), they are very good at talking, and their greatest strength lies in their power to make things happen. Ignore any immediate or future difficulties, but do everything possible ( and in many cases even unscrupulous) to complete the current task in the way that is most beneficial to you. They have the strongest adaptability and sharpest speculative vision, and their sensitivity and persistence in current interests make them the type who will never suffer "immediate losses". Their excellent eloquence keeps their words so beautiful and seemingly perfect and impeccable. Although sometimes the words seem superficial, illogical, and full of suspicions of deceit and deceit, no one can deny that what they said at that time did the best for them, and many times what they said was very far from the truth. It's far away, but it's what everyone present likes to hear, and even those who can see into it have to admit that they're comfortable listening, and the ability to exaggerate -- people talk to people, ghosts talk to ghosts -- ESTPs are social geniuses from the very beginning. They are very easy to gain the trust and even love of strangers, and they are very comfortable in most business environments. Therefore, it is conceivable that most ESTPs have a natural super sales ability. In the process of contacting people, they will quickly understand how to make the other party accept themselves and what the other party wants to hear. They try to use various ways to influence the other party's psychology and behaviour. Move in the direction you want, and eventually make a deal (business). This can be said to be a quite extraordinary ability in the process of enterprise development, especially in the initial stage, which is why many books refer to them as promoters or entrepreneurs. 

ESTPs are often seen as being ungrateful, reluctant, liars, and extremely philandering. This is because ESTPs are accustomed to asking for things. When they ask for you, they dare to say almost anything. However, if people ask ESTPs to fulfill their original promises, they often find that they will fail. .

But to be clear, personality has nothing to do with character. It is better to say that ESTP likes the new and hates the old. If a person's pursuit of new stimuli is strong enough, then a natural consequence is that he will pay less attention to the old stuff, which is not the ESTP's intention. Therefore, although ESTPs are the type with many bad reviews, they are actually the simplest, direct, sincere, and even pure type. They do lie a lot, however the meaning of their lies is different from that of other types such as INTJs, they rarely consider the impact of a lie on the distant future, they lie simply because doing so is beneficial to their current self, Because they attach too much importance to the situation and experience in front of them, the price of "living in the moment" is "being trapped in the moment", which is particularly evident in ESTPs. Not only that, ESTPs, like most SPs, never hide their selfishness, speculation, and dislike of the old, in other words, you may think they are a bit "bad", but they are so simple, so pure, so "no shrewd", So much so that the actual damage done by their " badness" is extremely limited - as long as you fully understand their character.

3. Traits and characteristics

The first contribution ESTPs make to their work is their appreciation and commitment to the present moment. The most important thing we learned from ESTP is that " now is the only moment you can grasp". Guilt about what happened in the past or fear of what has not happened in the future is futile, because ESTP believes that guilt about the past or worrying about the future will only affect the efficiency of the present, people should not be troubled by those unseen goals of the meta, but should Focus on moving forward now. If you are not satisfied with the present, you should try to change it immediately.

Like other thinking types, ESTPs clearly distinguish between family and work, personal and public. If an ESTP woman accepts these divisions, she can remain feminine without compromising her work contribution. But she still needs to work hard to convince people that work ability and feminine tenderness can coexist. Of course the ESTP Women's Friends are confident in their own nature from the start to truly convince others.

ESTP men fare better. Because they are restless, enjoy the present, and have a lively lifestyle that is incompatible with a work environment that emphasizes order, follow-through, and clear deadlines, although ESTP men are slightly more receptive, they still feel Pressured by differences in organizational climate and style, this pressure may trigger ESTPs' contempt and resistance to authority.

The ESTP's work style can be said to be a hodgepodge of styles, much depending on the work he is doing. If they give the right motivation and deadline, they will dive in and make the work productive and dynamic. Once the pace slows down, they relax and start hanging out and looking for people to chat with. ESTPs are less bound by procedures and schedules. The ESTP around you may suddenly start a debate, or burst into passion to lead his team and the organization through a new quest. But in fact, despite their innate leadership charisma, one would be better off not expecting ESTPs to guide the way, as they would rather be fully committed to the role of team members than to stand up and be leaders. Role.

ESTP is a piercing guru. Don't try to impress them with flashy rhetoric, not only will they see through it at a glance, but your personal credibility will be greatly reduced with him. ESTPs like to "do" -- even if it's playing a less-than-perfect solution. The heartbeat of the feeling type (S) is "doing is stronger than speaking". Instead of arguing about a problem, get hands-on. And the perceptive (P) let them know that if things don't go well, they can adjust their direction in the middle and ignore those rules and regulations. Once it's done, those gossiping people and the rules that get in the way are all meaningless, so let them go! Tomorrow is always a new day for ESTP! Today's past is past tense, and it is irrelevant. ESTP's "doesn't matter" attitude, whether as a leader or an employee, is likely to be criticized.

4. Preferred career fields

Preferred areas of work: Diverse service areas, service areas that require quick thinking/reaction in a rapidly changing environment can satisfy the curiosity and insight of this type of person. Such as: finance, commerce, sports, entertainment, business, etc.

Typical occupations preferred: Entrepreneur, insurance agent, civil engineer, budget analyst, promoter, stockbroker, sporting goods salesperson, strength trainer, police officer, fire-fighter, intelligence officer, travel agent, professional athlete, coach, Contractors, medical emergency technicians, journalists, video game developers, real estate developers, business operations consultants, technical trainers, travel agents, craftspeople, online dealers, etc.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of the work

1. Strengths at work may include

a)    Keen observation, excellent memory for actual information 

b)    The ability to understand what to do, and be realistic about what is necessary to get the job done 

c)    ability to adapt

d)    The ability to make work interesting and exciting 

e)    The fun of being part of a team 

f)     Practical, realistic and observational and a wealth of common sense 

g)    A step-by-step approach; the lively and fun atmosphere you create at work 

h)    Resilience, willingness to take risks and try new things 

i)      Willingness to accept differences and the ability to "follow trends" 

2. Weaknesses at work may include

a)    Difficulty working alone, especially for long periods of time 

b)    Do not like to prepare in advance; you have difficulty organizing your time 

c)    Inability to see opportunities and options that don't exist

d)    Impatient and/or intolerable administrative details and formalities 

e)    Difficulty making decisions and/or prioritizing plans 

f)     Impulsive tendencies and susceptibility to temptation or confusion 

g)    Difficulty seeing the long-term impact of things 

h)    Dislike excessive rules and bureaucratic divisions 

i)      Resist setting long-term goals and have difficulty meeting deadlines

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