Tuesday, February 28, 2023

ESTJ (Manager)

 ESTJ (Manager)

1. Summary

ESTJs are great at getting things done; they like to manipulate situations and make things happen; they are responsible, conscientious, and keep their promises; they like to be organized and can remember and organize many details. They begin to reach their goals in a timely and as efficient and systematic manner as possible. They live by fixed rules, so they are persistent and dependable. They tend to be traditional and interested in maintaining existing institutions.

In some books they call them supervisors, stewards, etc., but what is actually behind it is that the ESTJ makes everyone do what he should do, and keeps everything where it should be, so ESTJ is a natural manager.

2. Analysis

ESTJs make up 9%-10% of the population because their personality is very obvious and easier to identify.

ESTJs are outgoing, good at socializing, very straightforward, and concerned about the outside world (E); they focus on the present and practical, and take a practical look at problems (S); they can analyse and judge various issues objectively and impartially and make decisions (T); at the same time, they do things planned, respectful of organizational structure and self-disciplined (J).

As a student, ESTJ respects teachers, obeys the rules, hopes to be treated fairly, and generally likes mathematics and chemistry in terms of subject preference; he is not interested in humanities.

As we mentioned earlier, the 16-type personality INFP is the " softest " type, and in turn ESTJ is the most powerful type, although all EJs are strong aura types, only ESTJ's aura can be used "domineering side leakage" To describe it, it can sometimes feel uncomfortable.

In the eyes of ESTJs, various forms of rules such as laws, ethics, organizational rules, and discipline are above the existence of individuals, and individual interests cannot surpass collective interests. ESTJs agree with this very much, so in their eyes, all kinds of rules should be strictly followed; and ESTJ's outgoing and strong aura makes them take the supervision of the implementation of the rules, that is, maintaining organizational discipline as their responsibility, So they will instinctively become a supervisor (similar to the role of a referee). When they find anyone breaking the rules and breaking the discipline, they will blow the whistle decisively and directly reprimand those who, in their opinion, belong to the unruly. The ESTJ speaks very directly and rarely considers the other person's personal feelings, so it often causes a lot of pressure to the F-type colleagues around him. Many people will be afraid to see him. From the ESTJ's point of view, he will also prefer those friends and colleagues who follow the rules, and the least favourite are those who are free-spirited, or unorganized and undisciplined. The ESTJ will think that since you are in the organization, you You have to take the responsibility that the organization entrusts to you and do what you should do. If you neglect your duties and are under my management authority, then don’t blame me for being rude to you. Discipline is discipline, and there is nothing to discuss.

At the same time, due to the reality, objectivity and rationality of ESTJs, in fact, his orders and reprimands are basically more tenable-they are reasonable and not emotional, and always proceed from a realistic point of view. Therefore, whether their orders or reprimands, generally other people can accept them, and it can even be said that they are willing to obey.

Note: ESTJs are more common among excellent managers in the business world. 

3. Traits and characteristics

After the above analysis, it is not difficult for us to infer that the ESTJ's characteristics are more suitable for positions in the workplace - managers.

It is emphasized here that although ESTJs are very similar to ENTJs, ENTJs are more in control of the overall situation, strategy, and direction, so ENTJs are more like leaders.

We all know that management needs to increase anti-entropy and turn disorder into order. Without some basic rules, any organization can only be a mess, and ESTJ's management style is tough, efficient, and meticulous. In their strong control, the desire is very realistic and practical, so they may have to take care of everything, and want to do many things by themselves, which of course makes them very tired, but they are very hard-working type, so they will feel that in fact It doesn't matter.

If you're looking for someone to do a job, establish a set of rules, implement a system, or evaluate an on-going project, look to an ESTJ, they're the best fit.

As a rule, ESTJs are promoted to the top of management in basically any organization. If that's not the case, it's usually because their EJ preferences are causing others to go against it, or their argumentative nature is allowing their opponents to gain the upper hand. If they can reflect on this all the time, and be more patient with those who disagree with them when demonstrating their professionalism, they will surely be able to take leadership positions in the future.

ESTJ men are more comfortable with most corporate norms. These people tend to be well-dressed, trustworthy, loyal, respectful, and have most of the attributes of a gentleman. For them, these norms are the least they should follow, because "life is just like this", and they tend to impose this view on others unconsciously.

When it comes to traditional women, people tend to look after children at home, take care of housework, work in the kitchen, and work diligently for family harmony. Some female ESTJs have always restrained their impulse , and do not want to leave a domineering impression on others. In fact, when they are active in the organization, they often appear as managers. In real life, especially in the work environment, objective and assertive women are not so easy to accept, so thinking type (T) women tend to swim upstream. Especially as extroverted thinking women, they are not only very objective when making decisions, but the decisions themselves are also very leading and courageous, which will make some people feel depressed.

Let's talk about the shortcomings of ESTJs.

Because ESTJs are dominant and controlling types with a high sense of responsibility, their ability to deal with emergencies is often somewhat lacking. They have no tolerance for what they perceive to be poor organization, sluggishness, poor attire, or bad manners, which invite criticism from them. When things get out of control, ESTJs tend to lose their temper, talk loudly, stubborn, and domineering, stressing those around them. But they are not malicious; they just feel that they should take on the mission of the development of the world, and let people act according to the rules of the world itself. This kind of personality tendency in life is likely to be given to the people around them, especially the F or P type people cause great trouble.

At the same time, ESTJs are also very hierarchical, which makes them very impatient with their subordinates and juniors. Because of this, ESTJs do not listen to subordinates or those who they think are not qualified to express opinions. The same goes for children and other non-supervisors. ESTJs are particular and proficient in using authority management. ESTJs can also be the least empathetic of the 16 types if their F preferences are poorly developed.

So in order to improve themselves and improve their management skills, it is recommended to look at things such as psychology, sociology, literature, art and music, all of which will provide them with more insight and inspiration, and help ESTJs to respect the views of others, Realize that life is more than just a constant countdown and compulsive completion of various tasks.

4. Preferred career fields

Preferred fields of work: Marketing, service, science and technology, physical physics, management, professionals, etc. 

Typical occupations preferred: business executive, military officer, chief information officer, sporting goods salesperson, real estate developer, budget analyst, health administrator, pharmacist, credit counsellor, insurance agent, project manager, database manager, information director, logistics With supply managers, business operations consultants, stockbrokers, computer analysts, insurance agents, general contractors, factory supervisors

5. Advantages and disadvantages of the work

1. Strengths at work may include

a)    Focus on practice, care about results

b)    Able to undertake their own obligations powerfully; be able to cut through the mess when necessary, and be strong-willed

c)    Ability to focus on company (or organization) goals from start to finish

d)    Accurate, rarely make mistakes, and have a strong desire to do a good job

e)    Have the habit of following well established work arrangements and work procedures

f)     Sensitive to detect illogical, incoherent, unrealistic, and incompetent people or things

g)    Good organizational skills; can make decisions very objectively

h)    Believe in the merits of traditional models and be able to follow them

i)      Strong sense of responsibility; others can trust you to fulfil their promises

j)      Clear work ethic; pursuit of efficiency and results

k)    Reasonable, realistic perspective

2. Weaknesses at work may include

a)    A little impatient with people not following work procedures and ignoring important details

b)    Reluctance to try and accept new and untested perspectives and ideas

c)    Uneasy about change; repelling innovation

d)    Impatience with procedures or tasks that are inefficient or take a lot of time to complete

e)    Only consider immediate needs without considering long-term interests

f)     A tendency to ignore the needs of others in order to achieve one's own interests

g)    Difficulty seeing future possibilities

h)    Insensitivity to how policies or decisions will affect others

i)      Dislikes hearing contrary opinions; may interrupt others frequently

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Application of MBTI knowledge in workplaces

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