Friday, March 3, 2023

ISTJ (Meticulous Examiner)

 ISTJ (Meticulous Examiner)

1. Summary

ISTJs are best described as meticulous, they are extremely rigorous, extremely disciplined and at the same time extremely dependable.

ISTJs are quiet, serious, hard-working, and conscientious. They are highly focused, organized, and accurate, and have a strong memory and judgment for details; ISTJs are always traditional, conservative, listening and They like to state things with certainty and clarity; they value necessary theoretical systems and traditional conventions, and are impatient with those who do not. Because of the above characteristics, ISTJs are often the stabilizers of society, so some books call them "civil servants"

Note: "Poker face" is a common expression feature of ISTJs. There is no expression of emotions and anger. When you meet an ISTJ for the first time, you will feel that you are in front of a statue.

2. Analysis

ISTJs make up about 13%-14% of the population.

ISTJs observe the visible and tangible realities of the world (S) and deal with them objectively (T), and for them, structure, flow, and order (J) are the most important things in everyday life. The I type makes them look a little cold and lonely.

From the combination of letters, we can infer that they are rigorous, objective, logical and pragmatic, follow the rules, and are not very talkative. At the same time, as a person with IJ aura, they are also the type with independent opinions, tenacity, and not easy to be influenced by others.  

ISTJs are the favourite type of children among all primary, middle and high school teachers in schools. They have stable grades, respect teachers, practical, meticulous, self-disciplined and good at memorizing. They are especially favourite of math teachers. ISTJs are naturally sensitive to numbers and extremely gifted.

Note: ISTJs account for the largest proportion of corporate CEOs.

3. Traits and characteristics

ISTJs are dependable, responsible types, and the driving forces behind ISTJs are accountability, productivity, and effectiveness (not efficiency, mind you). Their meticulousness and extreme rigor make them well-suited for jobs such as inspections, checks, and the jobs that have in common the need to make sure the rules have been complied with, such as whether the filling of the form is standardized, whether the last payment has arrived on time, whether the inventory is consistent, etc. ISTJs like a behind-the-scenes, quieter way to maintain the normal order of the entire organization, ISTJs prefer to deal with things rather than people, and they are also one of the 16 types who like to organize things the most. Well-behaved, neat and spotless.

ISTJs especially like to do things they have done before, and like to do some highly repetitive work, such as a safety engineer going to the construction site every day to check whether all safety measures are OK. ISTJs like repetition, and they will feel at ease, secure, and never bored.

ISTJs are very talented in handling numbers, and their ability is to process various materials according to established rules, so we can often find ISTJs in jobs involving accounting, such as finance, accounting, auditing, etc. Like other SJs, they prefer courses involving resource management in school, and ISTJs are generally better at math than other SJs. They are arguably the most conscientious of all types. Therefore, ISTJs have a great interest and talent in checking data and tables. They like to hold a long report and then tick each item on it. , If there is someone around you who carries a shopping list with you every time you go shopping and confirms item by item, then that friend is likely to be an ISTJ. 

In life, ISTJs are a group of very simple or even very frugal people, and when they buy things, they mainly consider cost performance and durability, and rarely care about the appearance or fashion of the goods. ISTJs may be the least fashionable and trendy people among the 16-type personalities. They don't even like to upgrade products too quickly. They usually buy a mobile phone and use it for seven or eight years. Instead, they will like some very old things - antiques, calligraphy and painting, old books, many people in this world like the new and dislike the old, only ISTJs are often "like the old and dislike the new".

It’s not that ISTJs like the old and hate the new, not because they hate the new (although they are often resistance to innovation). As long as the “new” sees actual results, they will quickly implement it and actively promote it.

Acting fast It's their trademark, they like to follow up every project until it's done, ISTJs often put up some so-called "slogans" in the workplace: "Work hard, never waste" "A penny left is a penny earned. Split the money". Clearly, an ISTJ's work is life, and life is work.

Work comes first, which is a common ISTJ belief, followed by family and community responsibilities. When all of this is in order, they schedule entertainment, and they're the typical take-home type of work at the end of the day.

ISTJs specify structured processes, execute them efficiently, and expect others to do the same. When positions are low, they take orders, complain at first, then do, and end up with good results. When they are promoted, they will issue instructions, but they do not push forward or accuse people who do not obey orders. They will formulate all kinds of rules and regulations, processes, although sometimes such rules and regulations and procedures may seem very unpleasant. Inexplicable and even ridiculous, ISTJs also ask everyone to obey.

ISTJs can be great employees, managers, or leaders. The ISTJ's approach to work life is that whatever it is, as long as it works, there must be specific, clear instructions on what to do in a given situation, like a “checklist before take-off." So, a good manager will say "good morning" and "hello" to his employees every day, and once these are on the list, these greetings are done over and over until they become part of the ISTJ's management style. 

In the organization, when others disagree with the ISTJ, the ISTJ will simply show impatience or disagreement. So the ISTJ's behaviour clearly includes "show me", "show me proof" situations - "show me why this saves money", " show me you're right". ISTJs' poor expressions often discourage others, panic and respond defensively. It's no wonder that an ISTJ often feels like a loan collector.

The ISTJ's unabashed style brings a serious and conservative atmosphere to the workplace, an environment that other types find boring to work in. Comfortable chairs, office fittings, and recreational activities are all seen by ISTJs as a waste of time and money, and in the long run, their quest for efficiency can lead to demoralization and lower motivation.

Finally, let’s talk about the disadvantages of ISTJs. The so-called disadvantages are the reverse personality characteristics of ISTJs. It can be said that ENFPs prefer comfortable ones, but almost all ISTJs are unhappy. We mentioned earlier that dream chasers ENFPs are very fond of creativity and innovation, and like to pay attention to people's emotions and growth. On the contrary, ISTJs do not like creativity and innovation, nor do they care about people's emotions and growth, which has become the Achilles' heel of ISTJs. For example, an employee who is filled with hesitation and confusion expresses low feelings about the job, and the scene of the employee's quivering lips or the desire to cry can overwhelm the ISTJ because they have no way of handling the situation for fear of losing control. Also, ISTJs will consider this inappropriate, or at least useless. Ultimately, the ISTJ's response is to tighten control, or simply deny the problem.

4. Preferred career fields

Preferred career fields: business, finance, primary education, law, applied sciences, health care, services, technology.

Typical occupations preferred: Meteorologist, database administrator, health care administrator, financial worker, logistics manager, information director, budget analyst, medical researcher, inspector, agronomist, health practitioner, biomedical researcher, office administrator, Credit analysts, auditors, stockbrokers, detectives, geologists, and engineering technicians.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of the work

 1. ISTJ strengths at work may include:

a)    Accurate in doing things, hoping to get the job done right the first time

b)    Willing to follow established daily schedules and traditional policy

c)    Focus on one project or task with great concentration every time

d)    Ability to work independently

e)    Sensitive organizational skills

f)     Meticulous and attentive to specific issues: facts and details

g)    Believe in the merits of traditional models and be able to follow them

h)    Very strong sense of responsibility; others can trust you to fulfill their promises

i)      Understands a clear work ethic; believes it is important to be efficient and productive

j)      Perseverance and determination to achieve goals

k)    Reasonable, realistic perspective

2. Disadvantages of ISTJs at work may include:

a)    Reluctance to try and accept new and untested perspectives and ideas

b)    Uneasy about change; repulsive to innovation

c)    impatient with tasks that take a long time to complete

d)    Sometimes ignores long-term needs due to short-term goals

e)    Rigidity; difficulty or unwillingness to adapt to new situations when necessary

f)     Difficulty seeing the whole of the problem and the long-term impact of the behavior

g)    Lack of sensitivity to how policies or decisions will affect others

h)    Unwilling to change the direction of effort or adjust the amount of investment when needed

i)      Reluctance to promote necessary change or support carefully considered risky behaviour

Read Also:

Application of MBTI knowledge in workplaces

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