Friday, March 1, 2024

24 tips to make you socially successful in the world


Remember this principle: no matter how close or familiar with other people, do keep a distance. Being close doesn't mean you can be messed around.


If someone helps you, you have to thank them. Even if the other person offers advice and help that is of no use to you, you have to show your gratitude.


When you talk to a person, if the other party always deliberately change the topic, it means that they are very sensitive to the topic, or do not want to continue. At this time, we should be appropriate to stop; when you talk to a person, but the other party is always looking at the watch, drinking water, or not facing you, indicating that others do not want to chat with you at this time, or very annoyed with you.


Remember one thing: do not chat with people of different channels, different levels, different views. For example, if you talk to a person with low education, you talk to him about logic and he talks to you about morality and ethics, and if you all talk and talk, no one will be able to convince anyone, and you may end up fighting. The right approach is: when you meet a self-righteous person, you agree with whatever he says.


We need to understand words within words.

Weekend busy? = I miss you; go back and wait for notice = the interview does not pass; I think about it = I will not consider at all.


Remember one thing: politeness and kindness should be given to the right person, a gentleman's friendship is open and honest, a villain still needs a villain's plan. For example, when you are polite and courteous to a person, it is possible that you will get perfunctory, contemptuous, even abusive and bullying from others in return. Therefore, it is important to lose your temper appropriately in order to let others know you exist and to make them respect you.


When you earn money, just secretly rejoice, it is best not to let others know. As the saying goes: money cannot be revealed. When you are a little bit accomplished, you can be smug, you can be proud and arrogant. You think you will receive a lot of praise and admiration, but in fact, you will only attract people's hatred, jealousy and red, others will rack their brains to discredit you, suppress you, kill you, this is the human nature.

By the way, I would like to remind you that all those people in your circle of friends who are showing off their cars, brand names, dinners and villas are basically fake. They have only one purpose, to get you to join them and then cheat you out of your money.


According to psychologists’ research: when you go to an unfamiliar environment, let others help you do some small favor, can make each other's relationship warm up quickly. The reason is that when you ask someone for a favor, they will think that you recognize them, need them, and trust them, and thus their goodwill towards you will be greatly enhanced.

For example, when you have just joined a company, you can try to borrow a pen from someone around you, borrow a piece of paper, ask for the location of the bathroom, ask for the WiFi password ...... These things may all seem small and minor, but they can promote mutual relations and ease all kinds of embarrassment in order to allow you to better integrate into the new company!


You can be polite and sassy, but don't be too soft. It's good to treat people with courtesy, but you also have to distinguish what kind of people they are. For the kind that is unreasonable, like to take advantage of people, do not need to be polite to him, hard, he would not dare to bully you.

You have to acknowledge a very solid fact: good people are not always rewarded with good things; on the contrary, good people will often be taken advantage of. Another point is that justice that is late is not justice. For example, a person is wrongly convicted and imprisoned for decades. Can you call it justice when it takes decades to be cleared of wrongdoing? You let a person be imprisoned for decades for no reason, is that also justice?


No matter what time of day, when talking to anyone, do not look down and play with your mobile phone, it is a reflection of your upbringing. When you look down and play with your phone, you are disrespectful to the other.


Compliments are the most effective and least costly way to give to others. It's not flattering, it's a reflection of how we can improve our relationship.

Everyone likes to hear good things, no one likes to be criticized. Even if you find out that the other person is wrong, don't say so right away, otherwise they will not only not appreciate it, but will also resent you. Remember the saying: Letting a person admit their mistake to their face is tantamount to depriving them of their self-esteem, and it's strange that they won't fight with you.


No matter what happens, do not be an afterthought.

When a thing fails, do not say to others: "If you had listened to me", "do not listen to my words, suffer in front of the eyes" such windy words, although this is very cool to say, but in the eyes of others, you are gloating, false compassion, and thus resentment towards you. This is a good thing to say, but to others, you will appear to be gloating and faking compassion, which will lead to resentment. The right thing to do is: either enlighten him or offer him help.


Never fantasise: by approaching rich people, you can achieve the dream of becoming rich overnight.

Let alone whether you can meet a rich person, even if you do, do you have the ability to make a rich person look at you? If so, you don't have to have this dream.



An online job fact: If you are looking for a job online and the other party doesn't ask you anything, or just chat with you for a few minutes, then ask you to go to an interview directly. Don't go, he just wants to trick you into getting his KPI.

In fact, many HR departments have a track record of interviewing at least a few people a month. So, the personnel department will post job information everywhere on the Internet, as long as someone comes to ask, they will directly about the interview, regardless of whether you meet the conditions, you people over the line.

For example, a company is recruiting for a certain position and requires at least one year's experience. And you're a fresher, and he knows about it, but he calls you over for an interview anyway. When you went, he went through the whole interview process with you very patiently and then told you to go back and wait for the notice. There is no doubt that you are eliminated.


Anyone who has something to find you, or wants to contact you, will take the initiative to say hello to you the first time after you add him. If the other party adds you, you do not take the initiative to say hello, and he has not said a word. No need to think much about it, just delete it. It might just be a marketing number.


When you meet difficulties, and gets a loan, even if the other party doesn't press you to pay back the money, you have to pay back a little every once in a while to show that you haven't forgotten.

Also, when you pay back the money, it's a good idea to show it. Either give a little extra interest or treat the person to a meal. That's being human! It's not hard to borrow and return; it's easy to borrow money and not to forget, but when you return it, you have to return it.



When a person's tone is not quite sure, no need to ask further questions, it is obvious: he is refusing you.

For example, you invite a person out for a meal, but the other person says: "I'll think about it". Don't think too much about it, the person is rejecting you. Words like this and more: "I'd like to see", "Some other time", "Let's see how it goes", "Let's see the weather ", "Let's talk about it then" ......


When you come out into society, put aside the influence of your family of origin on you. Whatever happens, don't think about your family of origin and don't let others bring it up.

We are all adults now, and if we come out, we will have to rely on ourselves sooner or later. Don't feel inferior because of your family's poverty, but likewise don't forget the kindness of your parents' upbringing.


Changing the minds of others is one of the stupidest, most laborious and unappealing things you can do, don't do it!

None of us are saints or teachers and have no obligation to convert or teach others. Therefore, when you find that the other person's views are misplaced, you should not expose him and correct him. You think you are helping him, while he thinks you are opposing him and ridiculing him. Not only will he not be grateful to you, but he will also resent you.


In this fast-paced age of materialism and impatience, if you want people to trust you, show something practical that will help more than anything else!

For example, if you want someone to help you, giving a red packet and buying a meal is most useful. Don't say things like, "If you help me now, I'll share 50% of your earnings in the future." No one will believe you, they will only believe in the immediate benefits.


in order to protect yourself, remember one thing: in any public place, do not feel free to judge others.

There are ears on the wall, and what you accidentally say today could be the trigger for someone to get you in trouble later. Remember: trouble comes from the mouth, this saying will never go out of fashion.


Don't speak too straight, even if your words are justified, no one likes to hear the truth, especially the bad truth.


Things that have nothing to do with making money, try to do as little as possible, or simply do not do.

Why are you poor? It is because you not only earn less money and spend more money, but also always go to some meaningless social, drinking and dinner.


Do not be busy bodies. We are all just ordinary people who can't afford to get into trouble.

Read Also:

20 brutal truths about society that are so hard to take, yet you have to admit

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