Friday, August 16, 2024

The Most Painful Awakening in Middle Age

In our youth, we often sought external experiences, having an abundance of courage but a lack of consideration. As we gradually step into middle age and navigate life's ups and downs, our understanding of life becomes deeper, and our inner selves mature. It's then that we begin to gradually realize: the essence of life lies in awareness. Only through continuous introspection can we comprehend what truly matters, distinguish between the trivial and significant, and learn to let go of gains and losses, paving the way for a better life.

The most profound realization in middle age is that: being with people who resonate with your frequency is the best nourishment for life.

In our younger years, we often searched for external connections, brimming with courage but lacking thoughtful consideration. With the passing of time and the experience of life's trials and tribulations, we gain a deeper understanding of life, nurturing a more mature outlook. We slowly come to understand that the key to life is awakening. Only through sustained self-reflection can we see the importance of things, learn to disregard the trivial, and open the door to a better life.

After middle age, the understanding becomes clear: being with individuals who share the same wavelength as you is the best life nourishment. We may have sought to expand our social circles in our youth, wishing to meet more people. But as we look back in middle age, we realize that only a few people truly stay in our lives. This realization dawns upon us, that it's unnecessary to allow too many people into our lives. Those whose frequencies differ from ours gradually fade away in the passage of time. Being with people who resonate with us ensures a pleasant and enduring companionship, allowing for a lifetime together.

"Finding one or two kindred spirits is enough, no need for too many. The value of friendship lies in that candid trust." Although in middle age, it's fortunate to have many people around, it's more important to have one or two friends who resonate with you. They understand your silence and unspoken thoughts. Being with such friends can provide relaxation for your soul.

Health is the Greatest Asset

People often ask: when they reach middle age, working overtime daily to pay off a mortgage, they find themselves with stiff neck and stooped posture. They start questioning if all they gained at the expense of their health is truly worth it. Among the most common responses is: any wealth obtained at the cost of health is ultimately not worth it in the long run.

This is because health is the most precious asset. In the brief span of these few decades of life, whether one accumulates wealth or faces destitution, it's all fleeting. When you notice warning signs from your body, minor conditions can be remedied and treated. However, severe patients have no chance of recovery. Even if you can hire top doctors, visit the best hospitals, and pay the highest medical fees, it may not save you.

 As a proverb says: If you don't have time to rest, you'll eventually have time to fall ill. The overexertion of your health will eventually rebound with an equal cost. In the latter part of life, maintaining a regular schedule, balancing work and rest, avoiding late nights, reducing anger, and staying active through exercise are the best way to care for your life.

Family Harmony is the Greatest Blessing

 "In our youth, the world seemed to be full of people, and everything seemed related to us. But as we step into middle age, we discover that apart from our family, we have nothing." With age, our concept of "home" gradually becomes clearer. Even if someone possesses great wealth and status, a life filled with constant family quarrels isn't worth envying. Among family members, disagreements are inevitable. If we insist on being right at all costs, even if we win the argument, we might lose the bond, leading to our own unhappiness. Overlooking the minor issues brings warmth and laughter into life, a wealth that money cannot buy.

Realization in Middle Age: Detachment is the Best Attitude in the Latter Half of Life Life is a long journey. The more we carry, the more burdensome it becomes. Simplify to the minimum, and simplicity will conquer complexity. Only by abandoning certain things can we move forward easily. Many unfortunate people are unable to control their desires and insatiable greed and carry more and more burden. In middle age, we need to learn to declutter life. When you start to simplify your life, you'll alleviate the weight on your mind and grasp the true essence of happiness.

Reading is the Best Pastime

In reality, middle age is the most suitable time for reading. In youth, the idea was often ingrained that "read well so you can have a good future and a good job." Read books that aren't enjoyable but deemed essential. In middle age, reading becomes purer, devoid of ulterior motives. At this time, simply reading books you like can add flavour to life. Amidst the nine-to-six routine and family responsibilities, reading allows you to experience and feel different lives. As said in "Game of Thrones": "A reader lives a thousand lives, while the non-reader lives only one." Middle-aged reading guides them to find solutions amid life's perplexities, constantly sweeping away the dust from the soul.

Pleasing Oneself is More Important than Anything

In youth, to fit in, people often drift away from themselves to please others. However, relationships aren't built on pleasing others. The more you try to please others, the easier it becomes to lose yourself, making relationships more fragile.

Whose preferences matter more: others' liking or your own? Your affection for yourself is more significant. By middle age, people realize that they've often overlooked themselves, the most crucial person to please. Pleasing others is what everyone seeks, but pleasing yourself is the real path. A person's genuine charm doesn't come from pleasing others but from authentic living. In the second half of life, let's learn to live for ourselves, embody our true likings, and create the life we desire.

Read also:

The Power of Mindset in Shaping Destiny

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