Tuesday, January 31, 2023

ENFP (Dream Chaser)

 ENFP (Dream Chaser)

1. Summary 

ENFP, dream catcher. This type is also called a motivator or an advocate. The life of an ideal ENFP seems to be a constant pursuit of dreams.

ENFPs are enthusiastic and full of new ideas. They are optimistic, natural, creative and confident, with original ideas and a strong sense of possibility. For ENFPs, life is an exciting life drama. Because ENFPs are interested in possibilities, they understand the deep meaning of everything and appreciate the existence of many alternatives. They are perceptive and good observers, noticing anything outside the routine. ENFPs are curious, and they prefer understanding over judgment.

Special Note: There are many people with this personality type in the career circle, and they are basically trainers. They prefer the big concept of career planning.

2. Analysis

ENFP accounts for about 6%-8% of the population, the highest proportion among NF types.

ENFPs pursue a (N) social life (E) with endless opportunities. In this interpersonal (F) type of life, they are able to carry out routine tasks while maintaining as much freedom of choice as possible (P).

In terms of learning preferences, ENFPs are similar to most NPs, they are very curious, and they are “big" in personality, and they don't like rote things. ENFPs generally prefer Chinese and English. In their eyes, English is not a memorization of words, but a tool for the exchange of ideas. They generally dislike geography and chemistry.

ENFPs are enthusiastic, romantic, spontaneous and free-spirited.  For example, EFJ's enthusiasm is like summer, the sun is like fire, EFP's enthusiasm is like spring, a warm sunshine-like comfort. Wherever the ENFP goes, people around him can feel the enthusiasm radiating from him. This enthusiasm can be understood in two ways, one is the enthusiasm for life and dreams, ENFP always seems to be living with enthusiasm, work and pursuit of dreams; on the other hand, enthusiasm for others, ENFP and ESFP belong to the familiar type, they are very good at making friends with strangers, and often use their enthusiasm to infect people around them unconsciously, so ENFP also along with the ESFP, it is listed as the two most active types in the 16-type personality.

Romantic is another characteristic of ENFPs. All four NFs yearn for a romantic and poetic life, but this may be particularly prominent in ENFPs. ENFPs are a group of hopeless romantics, and they often live in an extremely romantic depiction , and this depiction of the world is full of all kinds of magical, can be said are unusual meanings, and they are exploring, appreciating, appreciating and savouring meanings in such a romantic world.

Being free and easy is also an important feature of ENFPs. For ENFPs, it may not be difficult to leave a place or a person, because they are dream chasers. Wherever the dream is, they will run to it. At the same time, they can break free from the various constraints of the present and gain freedom. Where is the dream? From the ENFP's point of view, all dreams are stored in one place, called the distant place. Therefore, anyone who has an uncontrollable yearning for the distance is very likely to be an ENFP. Life is not only about the hustle and bustle, but also poetry and distance. 

As mentioned earlier, all NFs are sensitive to human nature. For example, ENFJs will try their best to promote the full realization of human nature. If the development of human nature is likened to the process of a flower blooming, both ENFJs and INFJs can be regarded as responsible for watering and fertilizing. the ENFP are kind of like the guy by the side cheering the flower. In fact, many times we just need a person who believes in ourselves to cheer ourselves up. This person is very important. In addition, unlike ENFJs and INFJs, ENFPs do not pay much attention to the results of human development. They pay more attention to the process of human development. They especially like to appreciate the diversity of human nature. As far as their own lives are concerned, ENFPs want to live a meaningful life, they will think that everyone's life, including themselves, is a story and thus should be interesting, so they will also strive to fill A meaningful, or even dramatic, life is to live out one's own life as a play, a story, and then tell it vividly to others.

ENFPs have a wide range of knowledge. They are fun-oriented and will consciously collect a lot of interesting things about people, that is, anecdotes and like to share with others. ENFPs are the most storyteller among the 16 types. These types of people are good at depicting dreams and visions, and they can often describe things that haven't happened yet, that they haven't experienced themselves, as if they were there at the time. Obviously, when they talk about their future and dreams in this way, it is very inspiring and motivating to others. By the way, ENFPs also like to shout slogans, which are to be the initiator and caller of an ideal career full of positive energy, although they are often not the ones who can persevere to the end.

3. Traits and characteristics

At work, ENFPs, like their most similar ENTPs (the two types are hard to tell apart on their own), can easily shift emotional states at about the same time, and feel them more strongly than other types. Of course, they are more inclined to bring enthusiasm and motivation to work, and use this enthusiasm and motivation to infect others, especially their subordinates. At work, they tend to turn tasks into extremely entertaining games, and then use their persuasiveness and creativity to continually inspire others to make things the most successful.

ENFPs are so good at whimsy and can easily do several different tasks, so much so that they often neglect to prepare beforehand, and they even feel better on the spot.

ENFPs are more female, but opportunities for promotion are often given to male ENFPs. This phenomenon reflects the fact that we live in a world where leaders who determine where promotion opportunities belong are mostly STJ men. From this, a series of special problems may arise. For example, because ENFPs tend to be considerate and compassionate, their natural enthusiasm can be mistaken for frivolity or worse. If ENFP men are in high positions, their female subordinates may be flattered, or may be misunderstood by ambiguous insinuations, machismo, or sexual harassment indignant (warm men) .

Ironically, to sidestep this embarrassment, ENFP men sometimes pose as ISTJs in order to project a tough, manly persona. But when they try to do this, they are doubly ineffective: doing things they are not good at and masking their innate skills.

ENFP women also have their own troubles. If ENFP's natural tendencies are displayed, they are quickly labelled "superficial" or "ignorant," which may not be true at all. In an office, one may accept the enthusiasm and spontaneity of a man, but not a woman. As a result, they try to be rough and defensive, but this compensatory behaviour often doesn't work.

At work, one of the impressive contributions of ENFPs is their excellent ability to empower. Unlike TJs who prefer control, ENFPs are more likely to encourage freedom and independence. Through persuasion, they can easily achieve the basic goal of being a manager— getting work done through others, while making people feel important and valuable. Of course, they also need to have a sense of control over certain aspects of their work. These aspects vary from person to person, but generally they are excited and delighted by the achievements of others. When it's time to give credit, ENFPs don't hesitate to give it. That’s encouraging, to say the least. Encouragement, not control, is the key to ENFP management style.

Another cherished advantage of ENFPs is their creativity. For them, it’s always exciting to be able to work on several projects at the same time and to never be able to do it in more than one way. Like other EPs, they always challenge accepted, well-known standards and come up with new ways to deal with boring routines and slow-moving projects. ENFPs find it more exciting to come up with new solutions than to do their day-to-day work.

Also, not to be overlooked is the ENFP's interpersonal skills. Often, they are always responsive to other people's needs and help with ideas. They can always take the necessary methods and actions to relieve others from the tension and get back on track. Likewise, ENFPs feel extraordinarily close and trustworthy to those with whom they can relate warmly and this mutual trust and loyalty pervades the entire relationship.

The stress of ENFPs comes from things in life or work that don't translate into play or entertainment. When work or tasks drag on and become more and more routine, ENFPs can also become increasingly contemplative, melancholic, and even stubborn, and their behaviours can also go farther than their natural enthusiasm and liveliness. In this case, interpersonal conflicts and other people-related issues are distorted, and the ENFP's behaviour is greatly transformed. These transitions are likely to spread quickly and diffuse through the population.

If a similar situation is unavoidable, it would be a good idea to ask the ENFP if there is a problem with the job. Importantly, ENFPs should be helped to recognize that it is possible to work on their own terms without being constrained by timetables. It would be even better if the task could be done in a cooperative form. In general, participation by others, even in a competitive form, can reduce the ENFP's sense of stress. In addition, creating a big plan that can trigger ENFP inspiration can also help relieve their heavy pressure. Physical exercise, mental activity, and any other conditioning experience are helpful for ENFPs.

A happy work environment is very important for ENFPs; otherwise they will waste a lot of time dealing with issues that they don't have to deal with. The ability to get along with people naturally can also easily lead them into a quagmire of unconstructive whining. Another possibility is that they respond to a stressful workplace by adopting an avoidant attitude, avoiding specific people or things in a problem, or maybe even not going to work at all. In conclusion, in one way or another, the ENFP's characteristics make it easy to become very concerned, and sometimes even fascinated, by the problems of others.

ENFPs crave those new ones. The excitement of different things, for which they may be actively fighting fires while ignoring those day-to-day tasks and tasks. Sometimes this shift in enthusiasm can lead to dramatic shifts in mood, and day in and day out, the ENFP can eventually become unreliable, capricious, and easily discouraged. There is a saying that seems appropriate for ENFPs: good intentions do the wrong thing.

Finally, let's talk about the disadvantages of ENFP. Disadvantages are the opposite of advantages. For example, the opposite of romanticism is that it is unrealistic. The price of freedom is that it may appear wilful or even irresponsible. The opposite of being enthusiastic is that it is easy to avoid contradictions and conflicts in interpersonal relationships. As a spokesperson for positive energy, ENFPs tend to suppress their negative emotions, which can easily lead to the accumulation of negative emotions and lead to an eventual outbreak; in addition, ENFPs may also have a strong choice disorder, because they are too easily affected by various beautiful people. The possibilities are so attractive that they are reluctant to give up an entire forest for a single tree. They always want to experience more, appreciate more, appreciate more, until the moment when they have to make a decision, and finally, because ENFPs always pursue their dreams and distance, their interest can be easily shifted and do the same thing The perseverance and perseverance of things may appear to be insufficient, and it is easy to become a three-legged cat who can do everything but is not good at everything, but ENFP has an advantage that I personally think and its valuable can completely solve the shortcomings of broad but not refined , ENFP likes and is good at showing themselves in front of everyone, especially in the field of training with very high talent, we know that the best way to learn is not to input, not to watch, not to listen, not to think and digest, but to output, and put what we have learned. Teach it to everyone, correct and improve yourself after getting feedback, and then output and then feedback to correct and improve yourself. This is a positive cycle. ENFPs are generally willing to do this and like to do it.

4. Preferred career fields

Preferred fields: creative, art, education, counselling, research, religion, health care, technology, etc.

Typical occupations preferred: various trainers, human resources workers, social science workers, team building consultants, career planners, editors, art directors, architects, fashion designers, journalists, interpreters, translators, entertainment professionals, legal mediators, massage physicians, psychological consultants, psychological experts, and consultants.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of the work

Strengths of an ENFP at work may include:

a)    Think outside the box and consider new situations that may arise as things develop

b)    Dare to take risks, dare to try new things, and overcome obstacles

c)    Wide range of interests, strong receptivity to what you are interested in

d)    Have a natural curiosity and skill in gathering the information you need

e)    Able to see the big picture and see the underlying meaning between actions and thoughts

f)     Strong communication skills, can stimulate the enthusiasm of others

g)    Strong adaptability, can quickly change their speed and goals

h)    Can understand other people’  needs and motivations

Disadvantages in ENFP work may include:

a)    Not good at grasping the importance of things, difficult to decide what to prioritize

b)    Impatience with people who lack originality

c)    Reluctance to act in a traditional or conventional way

d)    Intolerant of working with overly rigorous institutions or individuals

e)    You have a tendency to become disorganized

f)     Tends to focus on what might happen rather than what is actually or highly likely

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Application of MBTI knowledge in workplaces

Friday, January 27, 2023

INFJ (The guide of the Spiritual World)

 INFJ (The guide of the Spiritual World)

I. Summary

INFJs live in a world of ideas. They are independent, original thinkers with strong feelings, firm principles and a human integrity. Even in the face of doubt, INFJs trust their opinions and decisions.

Some books refer to INFJs as "consultants", "writers"; others are called "guardians" and I think it's more appropriate to call them "guides".

Several key characteristics of INFJs are deep, mysterious, stubborn, loyal, and full of mission.

2. Analysis

The INFJ personality type makes up about 2%-3% of the general population.

INFJs pay attention to internal factors when dealing with things, and are good at thinking (I), while their cognition of life is mainly concerned with the various possibilities and inner meanings of existence, and can stand on a global viewpoint (N) , these characteristics are manifested in their subjective, more interpersonal preferences in making decisions (F); they are also reflected in their structured, planned lifestyles (J). INFJs' intuition (N) is introverted (I), while their emotional judgments (FJ) are often others-oriented. The combination of these two makes INFJs imaginative and good listeners, compassionate, and caring—which makes it easy for them to gain the trust of others. The important thing is that they not only say it, but they do it.

INFJ type people do not like cold information that requires a lot of memory. Generally, they are not interested in chemistry and geography. They prefer English and Chinese (especially writing), and mathematics and physics are not too bad. The grades are relatively stable (both good and bad)

3. Traits and characteristics

The first impression of INFJs is depth. Although all introverts speak less, they are more silent and quiet, but INFJs can give people an extra deep feeling in the stillness. Since what is on the INFJ's mind is unlikely to be guessed by other people, this gives the INFJ's depth a kind of mystery.

Some books say that INFJs are the most mysterious of the 16 types. Maybe each of us feels that others cannot understand us. From my point of view, the type that is difficult to be understood by others is probably INFJ, except for INTPs and INFPs who have a low sense of existence. The first two will be outside the group by default unless necessary, so you may not remember such a person; and INFJ's performance is more reserved, you know him, but you can't understand him at all, so it seems very mysterious.

INFJs can be described as gentle, compassionate, caring, imaginative, and interpersonal, and these typical characteristics make this type of person appear more feminine. In fact, INFJ women are the ones who best conform to society's traditional expectations of women, with the one exception of many INFJ women possessing a mystical temperament. INFJ women choose not to compromise only when they are driven by their own judgments and decisions, which is where they cause trouble in a male-dominated workplace. When this happens, things can get trickier because men need factual evidence and objectivity (typical ST), while INFJ women can appear unsubstantiated and assertive. But usually INFJ women are respected for their intelligence and intelligence and are seen at work as gentle, kind, caring people.

In our society, men with the same INFJ characteristics face more problems. INFJ men face a different environment: their natural caring and tenderness is a nuisance to others in the workplace, especially other men. Colleagues, leaders, and subordinates of male INFJs often ask questions such as: Is this a man? Is a coward?  INFJ men are well aware of this contradiction. He understands that he and society's traditional requirements are different, and will strive to become tougher and more masculine under social pressure. But it would fill him with contradictions, obstacles, and confusion.

INFJs like to keep clean and orderly at work, like a peaceful and quiet atmosphere, and hope that everyone's contribution in the work can be affirmed, everyone has a sense of accomplishment, and all work can achieve good results in harmony.

It's no surprise that INFJs are skeptical of people not working well together, trusting, and affirming. INFJs believe that with enhanced communication, war will not happen. INFJs are practitioners of the phrase "Let the world be filled with peace, and let peace start with me". Whether at home or at work, this belief is what INFJs give, take, live for, and work for. Although their introverted nature brings a certain delay, once they have chosen someone they can trust, they will support him without hesitation. The qualities that INFJs value in partners are enthusiasm, determination, and sincerity.

INFJs work in a way that allows them to do what others want. INFJs are often reticent when faced with conflict, and they are generally able to foresee when conflict will break out before anyone else. Their introverted, intuitive, emotional personality preferences allow them to act like radar as an early warning system. But unfortunately, this ability becomes ineffective in the face of their intense fear of conflict. So, in the end they became weak. They are always introspective to heal the wounds of conflict and hope that these wounds will soon disappear.

The strength of INFJs comes from their intelligence, personal idealism, and caring nature. The four-letter traits linked together make them very theoretical and will achieve their goals by creating their own academic output. Few people have a complete insight into the rich inner world of INFJs and their rich imagination, creativity, and variety of abstract thoughts and concepts. INFJs can easily spend an entire day imagining and dreaming. The INFJ sees this type of activity as an incentive and encourages others to do the same, because he thinks that's what life is about. So, when a job or task falls within a conceptual framework that the INFJ has mulled over, it does well. INFJs never stop learning, are always growing and developing themselves, and they want others to do the same, making INFJs trustworthy and role models for others to follow. Their keen insight and caring mind are an inspiration to everyone else.

INFJs have the strongest intuition among the Type 16s. This intuition gives them the ability to predict the future. The future here mainly refers to the future related to people, that is, about themselves and the future of other people's lives. INFJs can often see the future of others in their own images that is, what others will become or what will happen in the future. Even INFJs often don’t know how they can know these things. Anyway, they are able to see what will happen to this person in the future. That's because INFJ can often see the path a person has to take in the spiritual world, and INFJs, like other NFs, have a sense of fraternity, so they are also willing to help and guide others to develop themselves and gain spiritual growth, that is, the guide of the spiritual world. Like ENFJs, INFJs are also very sensitive to the spiritual needs of others, but they don't like to instil what they think is right in others like ENFJs do, but based on their ability to foresee and grasp of human nature, they will feel that this is what you want. On the way, I just guide you, help you, and support you, so I call INFJ the guide. Many career planning books say that INFJs are very suitable for consulting and consulting jobs. This quality is most valued in the teaching profession, helping students think and empowering them to learn. These traits are valued in other professions as well, as INFJs will proactively, Kindly share insights and inspiration with others.

Of the four types of NF, INFJs may have the most profound grasp of human nature, which is also a product of their strong intuition. INFJs and INFPs we will talk about have powerful imaginations. The difference is that INFPs' imaginations are a little out of their control, while INFJs' imaginations are under their own control. There are many images, but INFJs have more ability to combine these images into a whole, so that the images in their minds can be used by themselves. A person or a thing is described in a metaphorical way, and it is often a description that can capture the essence of the object. It is this ability to control imagery and metaphors that makes INFJs. Many INFJs will choose literary creation or at least writing-related majors or jobs.

Finally, let’s talk about the shortcomings of INFJs. Obviously, if stubbornness is out of control, it will become stubborn, sanctify one’s inner beliefs, and then completely ignore other people’s opinions; and if you use your imagination too much to modify reality, it will lead to and Most people's communication difficulties deepen their tendency to distance themselves from reality; that is, others cannot understand what they say, and they are too immersed in their own world and alienated from reality; in addition, INFJs can often see through others at a glance, while others But it is difficult to see them at a glance, and they have some firm beliefs themselves, which will lead them to sometimes look around and find that the world is full of lay people without beliefs, although INFJs are the type who love the world, but they look at the world. The angle may still make the INFJ very high-minded, and there is a danger of being separated from the masses; in the end, if the sense of morality and justice is too strong, and at the same time the development of rationality cannot keep up with the two, the INFJ can easily become a little cynical, become the most stubborn kind of "angry youth".

4. Preferred career fields

For INFJs, the preferred fields of work are: consulting, education, scientific research, culture, art, design, etc.

Typical occupations preferred: human resources manager, special education staff, health consultant, architect, health practitioner, trainer, career planner, organizational development consultant, editor, art director, counsellor, writer, mediator, marketer, social scientists, etc.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of the work

1. Advantages at work may include:

a)    Honest and upright, thereby encouraging people to value your ideas

b)    You are focused and dedicated to the projects that are important to you

c)    Independent, with strong personal beliefs, responsible for the cause of their beliefs

d)    Resolute, decisive and highly organized

e)    Creative and come up with unique solutions to problems

f)     Emotional integration with others, able to anticipate the needs of others

g)    Ability to understand complex concepts

2. Weaknesses at work may include:

a)    Easy to make hasty judgments

b)    Excessive concentration can result in rigidity

c)    Don't know how much time it will take to get something done

d)    Difficulty doing things that conflict with your own values

e)    Unrealistic inclination to plan feasibility

f)     Does not deal with contradictions, easy to ignore unhappiness

g)    It is difficult to discredit subordinates objectively and directly

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Application of MBTI knowledge in workplaces

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

ENFJ (Educational Educator)

 ENFJ (Educational Educator)

I. Summary

If you ask someone a question, and that person knows everything, says everything, and wants to teach you, give you his heart, and teach you from time to time, this person is likely to be an ENFJ.

A few key words for ENFJs are openness, instilling conviction, charisma and a sense of justice. The initial impression of ENFJ is warm and candid, although all EF types can be said to be warm, the word used to describe ENFJ here is warm and candid, because ENFJ's feelings shine on others like the sun or a searchlight, And when the searchlight shines on you, everything of itself is exposed to you, and nothing is hidden.

2. Analysis

ENFJ personality types make up about 2%-3% of the general population.

Each preference of ENFJs and the composition of those preferences make them inherently infectious and persuasive. Focus on outsiders and the world, and have a large social circle (E); at the same time, they believe that the world is full of infinite meanings and endless opportunities (N); and on the basis of this understanding, make subjective and humane judgments and Decide (F); at the same time believe that the living and working environment is organized, planned and orderly (J).

NFs are all sensitive to human nature, or to put it further, NFs will instinctively pay attention to the growth of human nature and the development of life, but the attitudes of the four NFs to these issues are very different. For example, ENFPs will pay attention to all kinds of interesting things in life. Possibilities, INFPs will continue to ask about the meaning of life, but P-type NFs do not like the so-called "correct answer", because the correct answer means closure, which means that there is no need to discuss again after the conclusion is reached. On the other hand, ENFJs and INFJs tend to think that there are “correct answers" to all kinds of big problems in life, and they will find the so-called "correct answers" as their beliefs. In the eyes of ENFJs, the whole world is a harmonious whole, and this whole has purpose and meaning. This purpose and meaning is actually only the ENFJ's own point of view, but they are convinced of this and try to instill this belief in others. Remember the word here, indoctrination.

People with NF preference do not like cold information generally; they are not interested in chemistry and geography. They prefer English and Chinese, and mathematics and physics are not too bad.

3. Traits and characteristics  

ENFJs love human beings, and their love for human beings has a lot to do with their idealized view of human beings and others, because ENFJs often see a person as what a person should be, not what the person actually is now, and idealize people . This is actually an educator's perspective, isn't it? A good teacher sees the student as what the student should be, not what the student is now, so many materials refer to ENFJs as educators. Because of this special way of looking at others, ENFJs will often ask others to achieve self-realization, to ask others to be better, as if it is a responsibility of everyone to themselves, in other words, ENFJs will think that there is no self It is abnormal, regrettable, missing, wrong, and needs to be corrected.

Since they are called educators, ENFJs are naturally good teachers and like to teach. They like to tell big truths because they want what they say to be meaningful, and the most meaningful thing is to share the various life truths they have discovered with others. So they also like to play the role of life mentors. Even if they can't be life mentors, ENFJs have an irrepressible urge. As long as the ENFJ understands anything first, then they are likely to be the best person to teach it to others, that is, educators. ENFJs like to persuade by preaching, and for them, persuading a person is the same as educating a person.

ENFJ's work style is aggressive, confident, and has a strong sense of interpersonal cooperation. Always sparking enthusiasm, perseverance, humour, and getting the job done. They do everything they do with a positive attitude and genuine trust in others. However, if you are not careful, they may be regarded as mere formality by others, just making a superficial statement.

ENFJs are very sensitive to the mission and values ​​of the organization, or they will place high ethical demands on their organizations. For example, let’s say an organization claims that its work is to change the world. It is likely that this is just a marketing strategy, but ENFJs will be very serious about whether we are really changing the world. Be very careful. ENFJs are easy to get promoted in the company, but what really motivates them may only be the company's desire to serve people.

When interacting with colleagues, ENFJs will pay great attention to the various states of the people involved. First, their N preferences focus on the actions and reactions of those involved—who is stressed, who needs encouragement, who should be criticized, who is eager to talk to someone. Then they use the J preference to make some reasonable suggestions. Maybe it depends on the situation, but at least the ENFJ has a directional opinion in mind.

In the vast majority of cases, ENFJs' advice is extremely valuable, and they are loved and admired as objects of trust. But once their opinions and suggestions are not adopted, the ENFJ will be extremely sad, and feel a little angry that the other party is so unappreciative.

ENFJ women's performance at work is often commendable. They have an excellent sense of priorities and can always do the "must" and “should" things that everyone expects. Not that they wished or liked to do it, they fervently hoped that it would make everyone happy. ENFJ women are often seen as role models and idols. This is what they are happy to see. If there's one downside to ENFJ women, it's that they are too idealistic on certain issues and distance themselves from others. ENFJ males also behave in this way, but it's a bit surprising that this behaviour occurs in females.

ENFJ men experience more serious problems at work. Many of the F preferences they display at work are constantly challenged, and these behavioural traits include being soft-hearted and caring, so ENFJ males swing back and forth between two roles. When showing a hard heart, they are accompanied by a sense of guilt and loss of self. If they tend toward natural preferences, their masculinity will be questioned to the point that they deliberately do certain behaviours to prove that they are truly masculine. An effective way to integrate innate preferences and acquired social environment demands on men is to engage ENFJ men in psychology and other human-related careers. Most of these career fields are male-dominated, but they need to have feminine qualities: perseverance, caring, self-improvement, dedication, broad-mindedness— the noble qualities that are traditionally feminine.

4. Preferred career fields

ENFJs prefer to work in a wide range of fields, and perform better in areas such as information communication, education, service industry, health care, business, consulting, and technology.

Typical occupations suitable for: Advertising account manager, magazine editor, clinician, career planner, training specialist, university professor (humanities), sales manager, programmer, coordinator, marketer, journalist, social worker, HR workers, TV producers, PRs, heads of non-profit organizations, etc.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of the work

1. Advantages at work may include:

a)    Excellent communication and presentation skills

b)    Natural leadership and cohesion

c)    Enthusiasm and strong ability to seek cooperation

d)    Resolute, decisive and organized

e)    eager to innovate

f)     Emotional integration with others, able to anticipate the needs of others, and genuine concern for others

g)    Wide range of interests, flexible mind

h)    Can see the big picture and see the connection between behaviour and consciousness

i)      Push yourself to make achievements and achieve your goals

j)      Be responsible for what you believe in

2. Weaknesses at work may include:

a)    reluctance to do things that conflict with their own values

b)    It is easy to idealize interpersonal relationships

c)    Difficulty working in a competitive, stressful environment

d)    Impatience with people who are inefficient or dead-headed

e)    Avoid conflict and easily overlook unpleasant things

f)     It is easy to make hasty decisions without gathering enough evidence

g)    reluctance to discipline subordinates

h)    Easy to meet small-scale management, never give up control

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Application of MBTI knowledge in workplaces

Friday, January 20, 2023

INTJ (Independent Expert)

INTJ (Independent Expert)

1. Summary

The main characteristic of INTJs is that they are highly calm and attentive, as well as thoughtful. In some books, INTJs are called expert types. This is because most INTJs will focus on one field, and then they will be very in-depth, fully understanding all aspects of a professional, and become a big shot is admired by everyone. I personally think that INTJs are also one of the most persistent of the 16 types.

INTJs can best be summed up in terms of "independence." Independence is what fuels their prospects. INTJs want everyone to be independent, if possible. This sense of independence may conflict with their simultaneous desire to be in control of their surroundings. Therefore, as a colleague or subordinate of an INTJ, you must understand that "independence" is the ultimate goal, but the acquisition of this independence must be recognized by the INTJ. So when you start to do what you think is independent work, the results of the work often fall short of the requirements of INTJs. 

Catchphrase: You're not doing it right, this is how it should be...this...and this. 

2. Analysis

The INTJ personality type is the smallest, making up about 1% of the population. Unlike INTPs, who also have a low proportion of the population and a high degree of similarity, INTJs are more planned and rigorous, but at the same time lack the inclusive and exploratory spirit of INTPs.

The INTJ pays attention to its various possibilities (N) in the treatment of things, and processes these possibilities, conceptualizing, systematizing, and finally transforming them into objective decisions (T). These decisions are easy to implement because their usual lifestyle is very organized and planned (J). Their introversion (I) preference makes their inner world an arena for ideas that far outnumber the desires that have been put into practice. These four tendencies combine to make INTJs confident, composed, competent, perceptive, and constantly self-affirming.

The I and N sides of the INTJ's personality conflict with their T and J traits. The former usually gives a somewhat casual and open feel, while the latter often demands reliability and punctuality. If the INTJ is making it clear, it should be, “If you can get things done quickly and well every time, then you'll have more flexibility and freedom to play." 

3. Traits and characteristics

INTJs are natural conceptual experts, and INTJs are consummate thinkers with an interest in the future. They are inspired by a rich imagination, and at the same time have a strong sense of responsibility in their bones. Often, they take responsibility for solving complex problems and use their creative talents as leaders.  These types of people can be entrusted with important tasks, and they won't always bother you with their needs.

There are very few things that can stun an INTJ. Therefore, this type of person usually gets a rapid promotion in the company, and this type of person dominates. Their composure gives them the ability to improve existing ideas in all aspects, and their composure shows that they have outstanding leadership skills. We are convinced that this type of person dominates the leadership of Japanese companies. The composure gives them the ability to improve existing ideas in all aspects, from design to production to marketing. This capability became a key factor in Japan's rising status in the international market at the end of the 20th century.

INTJ managers are also perpetual students. INTJs are constantly exploring and pursuing “what could be". Their intuition is well suited to accommodate new technologies, procedures, motivations, and methods in the system. They tend to keep making improvements to things. . Even if those things work well, they're going to reform it. This tendency means that everything at work is taken for improvement. For each project, the INTJ continually evaluates, reviews, and even revises it. Even if there is an order to maintain the status quo, INTJs will not stop trying to make small improvements on top of the status quo.

INTJs are suitable for all kinds of planning and layout work, especially those that need to apply theoretical models in practice. The work style of INTJs can be said to be completely revolving around planning, which actually creates a very interesting phenomenon, that is, INTJs often make several plans for an event, a main plan and two or three backup plans. Because INTJs memorize every aspect of the plan and anticipate possible problems, as well as prepare next-level solutions for the problems they foresee. All in all, implement plan A first, prepare plan B where plan A may go wrong, then plan C, plan D, and so on. One can see that almost everything is predicted and planned by the INTJ.

INTJs are probably the most capable of learning among the Type 16s, and because the entire modern school curriculum is well suited to INTJs, they are often among the top performers in a school or class. Not only that, INTJs are also the type that understands esoteric knowledge and complex theories best, so on the throne of human knowledge, usually INTJs are sitting, for example, a large number of theoretical physicists, philosophers and mathematicians are INTJs, so in addition to planning, we think INTJs are also very suitable for all kinds of difficult mental work, especially scientific research work. Their ability to control the theoretical system is beyond the reach of countless other extremely intelligent types; we know that one of the scientific research the core is skepticism, and INTJs happen to be one of the most skeptical types among the 16 types; of course, they are also very independent and rarely dependent, and their strength in this regard is actually not under ENTJs.

In terms of disadvantages, INTJs often give people a feeling of being too serious. We know that INTJs are all anti-types of ESFPs, and ESFPs are the best at joking and telling jokes, so INTJs are actually the worst at joking and telling jokes. Because their thinking is so meticulous and logical, it must not be funny at all, not to mention that INTJs may also be one of the oldest psychological types of the 16 types; and INTJs are often into believing in logic and theory, while ignoring things that may not be explained by theory but are actually important, also makes INTJs less good at things that require hands-on work, such as getting an INTJ to do a dance, That would kill him; in addition, INTJs are also impatient with simple repetitions, which is in stark contrast to ISTJs who are only one letter away from INTJs; in addition, INTJs can also be very poor at expressing themselves Because they instinctively convert various feelings into logical thinking, INTJs in their youth can even feel cold and unsympathetic to others, because INTJs are rarely influenced by themselves out of the need to remain calm and insightful.  Emotional loss of control is very rare for INTJs, because it means they lose control over themselves, which means their willpower is destroyed, which is terrifying for INTJs. It is for this reason that INTJs despise people who are emotionally vulnerable and often dying, although INTJs rarely express this contempt.

In terms of marriage. Strong planning and high rationality make INTJs develop more smoothly and slowly in love and marriage than other types. INTJs (if they want to get married) will consider love and marriage as part of their long-term planning in life. They will arrange a specific period of several years or even a year, during which time they will execute the plan, that is, focus on getting married, and during this time they will be very efficient from love to marriage. Conversely, before the time period when the INTJ plans to get married, the probability that they will fall in love at first sight and then break the plan and get married early is actually very small. Among female INTJs in particular, there is a high rate of late marriages or even non-marriages.

Special note: If the INTJ doesn't meet the right person (marriage partner), it's usually not because they don't feel it, but because it's out of place.

INTJ women face special challenges at work. The characteristics described above, such as independence, objectivity, and strong control, are contrary to the traditional requirements for women. INTJ women challenge tradition and constantly improve and innovate. Traits can get in trouble in a male-dominated workplace. This conflict can lead to dissatisfaction and rejection between the two genders: men who don't understand and don't know how to deal with the INTJ woman's style of behaviour; and other women who see her as arrogant and indifferent to others. In reality, INTJ women are often impatient.

What makes more people intolerable is the indifference of the INTJ woman: at work she is always very cautious and extremely professional, paying great attention to her words and deeds; she rarely talks about her personal life and strictly separates it from her work. Their discreet, professional work ethic and their seemingly closed, private lives make it difficult.

Like other intuitive types, INTJs can feel overwhelmed when they are bombarded with too many details. Their introverted and intuitive nature makes them more willing to imagine and speculate rather than act. Likewise, INTJs can become impatient, disorganized, and even frustrated when faced with requests, especially those related to people's needs and trivial project details. At work, they need to take some time every day to reflect and think. This helps them find inspiration within them, and it also enables them to fully enjoy the “what might" imagination without thinking about the reality.

Despite these issues, the contribution of INTJs to corporate culture cannot be underestimated. They are successful in many occupations due to their excellent performance on the job. INTJs get good results in the things they put their energy into. They are excellent teachers, especially in high school and college, because they teach students to think independently. They can also be good writers. Managers, academics and lawyers, especially as business partners, will do well.

4. Preferred career field

Preferred fields of work: business, finance, technology, education, health care, medicine and professional, creative career fields.

Preferred typical occupations: intellectual property lawyers, management consultants, economists, international banking staff, securities investment and financial analysis experts, design engineers, programmers, various scientists, technical experts, financial experts, information system developers, Integrated Network Professionals.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of the work

1. INTJ strengths at work may include:

a)    Can see how things might develop and their potential implications

b)    Like complex theories and intellectual challenges

c)    A talent for creative problem solving and the ability to examine problems objectively

d)    Achieving goals without hesitation even in the face of obstacles

e)    Self-confidence, and will act recklessly to implement his own assumptions

f)     Strong motivation to be competent and successful at work

g)    Can adapt well to a person working alone, independent and autonomous

h)    High standards and strong working principles

2. Disadvantages of INTJs at work may include:

a)    Loss of interest in the program when the creative part of the program is completed

b)    It is easy to force others to work as much as you force yourself to work

c)    Impatience with those who are less responsive than you are

d)    Reluctance to work with people you think are less capable than you

e)    abrupt, irrational, and lack of communication skills, especially when you are in a hurry

f)     No interest in small worldly things

g)    stubbornly insist on oneself and one's point of view

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