Friday, May 31, 2024

Beyond Resolutions: Embrace the Unseen Paths of 2024

Time flies, and years pass silently. In the blink of an eye, the first half of 2024 has already passed. The first half hurriedly slipped away before truly experiencing life.

In the second half, I hope we can face life with a composed attitude, joy, and happiness, living each day contentedly. Express happiness: cherishing joy, slowly experiencing the daily calm.

One particular topic has captured my attention: Half of 2024 has passed; how did your first half of the year go?

Many people responded: "Too difficult."

Some said: Time passed too quickly, everything seems hazy, feeling perplexed and confused, almost as if nothing was experienced, and half a year has disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Some mentioned: This half-year was too difficult. They started job hunting at the beginning of the year, and by mid-year, they hadn't found any job opportunities. Each day was a struggle between striving and struggling, with nothing achieved in the end.

Others expressed: The first half went by unnoticed; an elderly family member became ill, their child was at a crucial stage of education, shuttling daily between hospital, work, and home, too occupied to even taste a peaceful meal. Life felt truly arduous.

The response that received the most likes was as follows:

"In truth, there's not much to say. Life seems simple on the surface, but it carries too much helplessness. Life appears effortless, yet it's challenging to escape its grip."

Indeed, life is often very challenging. Once you surmount one mountain, you find another; overcome one obstacle, and more challenges await. All we can do is face these challenges and overcome difficulties.

We can pause, take a break, relax a bit, but we must stand up and keep moving forward. I love this phrase:

"If you ever find life hard and start doubting your choices, don't believe your difficulty is unique. Most times, we find life challenging, but persisting will make things better. Believe that on your path forward, beautiful things await you. After enduring the difficulties, there will be a blooming flower bed."

Yes, beyond the mountain lies a beautiful view, and overcoming challenges leads to more wonderful things. So, don't always be trapped in the busy life; look up, life is full of surprises.

The sky is clear, clouds are beautiful, sunsets are vibrant, and flowers are in bloom. Even the grass on the roadside is dancing with vibrant greenery. If you feel your life is a mess, use the beginning of the second half of the year to create a detailed plan and put it into practice. If life is hard, give yourself a cool break in the scorching summer, readjust, and then dive back into busy life.

In the days ahead, let past challenges remain there, facing the future with a fresh stance.


The Second Half of 2024: May You Slowly Embrace Everyday with Joy

In the noisy world, be a happy person, facing life's challenges with an optimistic and positive attitude.

Regarding Emotions: Embrace with an Open Heart even with Departures

I read a message from a friend:

"These past six months have felt like hell to me. At the beginning of the year, I had planned to marry my boyfriend of three years. The wedding date was set, the photos taken, and everything was prepared. We were supposed to register on Valentine's Day, February 14th. But just a day before the registration, I discovered he was having an affair. I had always believed that we were destined to be together. We shared the same values, laughed at the same jokes, and never ran out of things to talk about. We envisioned a married life of caring for each other, enjoying beautiful moments together. He cooked, I cleaned, and we shopped together. We dreamed of having a lovely daughter and a beautiful house. But now, everything is gone. Three years of love disappeared, and our hopes for the future shattered. When we were together, I loved eating watermelon, and he always saved the sweetest part for me. But now, even passing by a fruit shop makes my eyes well up. I feel like I may never eat watermelon again in my life. I regret meeting him, and I hate myself for not being able to forget him for the past six months. This story might be common, but it brings tears to my eyes. Life seems to be like this, filled with ups and downs, especially in the journey of love. In our lives, it often seems like someone arrives, deeply engages our emotions, but we cannot write a happy ending. After losing this love, we're immersed in sadness, unable to move on. However, the situations without endings were predetermined.

We often recall the beautiful moments of love and overlook the unsatisfactory details. When facing the loss of love, we magnify the unsatisfactory aspects and forget the cherished moments. But the most frightening aspect of life is this: regretting the past while wasting the present. We need to understand that life doesn't move backward. Having loved is having loved; there's no need for constant regret. Missing out is just that, there's no need for self-blame. What's done is done; regrets are futile. It's better to learn to let go, leave the past behind, and face the present firmly. Let time slowly heal the painful and teary memories."

The Second Half of 2024: May You Face Life with an Open Heart and Lightness in Departures

Remind yourself: What's lost is just a part of the scenery; what remains is life itself.

To yourself: Face life with a composed heart and smile at it.

A friend recently shared her growing unhappiness with me. She said:

"Every night, others' words, past experiences, and painful memories surge in my mind like violent waves. These shatter my mental peace, destroying the joy I once had. I wish to escape but am unable. I am repeatedly hit by these waves, making my heart more despondent and lacking in confidence. Have you ever felt this way?"

During a certain period, we often feel tormented in life. We care too much about others' words, constantly conforming to their views, eventually losing our sense of self; often, we're trapped in memories of the past, desiring to return to those moments only to find we cannot; we frequently regret our choices, thinking that if we had made different decisions, things might be better now.

Unfortunately, history cannot be pursued, yesterday is gone, and life won't offer a chance for a do-over.

I once read this quote:

"Many of life's troubles root from excessively vivid memories. We remember the hurt but forget the past happiness."

If life were a journey, from start to end, the burdens you carry should gradually lighten. Because as you move forward, you'll realize what can be discarded and what's worth preserving. What remains will be the most important.

However, many people experience the opposite; the farther they go, the heavier their burden gets, yearning to acquire without letting go.

In fact, let the past stay in the past; even if you long for it, you can't return to the beginning. Why not let it be a part of your memories and move forward? Perhaps, in the next moment, you'll unexpectedly encounter happiness.

In the second half of 2024, may you face life with a composed heart and a smile.

Live well, love yourself, be confident and bold, live with strength.

I came across this passage:

In this hurried and anxious journey of life, you can try to walk calmly. Don't focus too much on the result; it'll make you feel relaxed. Perhaps, the end of the road isn't important. As long as you pursue and love something in life, maintain clarity, discipline, and wisdom, that's enough.

In the second half of 2024, I hope you:

Face life with a joyful attitude and slowly experience the beauty of the everyday; Handle departures in relationships with an open heart; Treat yourself with composure and smile at life.

Read Also:

Your Sleep Schedule Determines Your Fate

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