Friday, February 9, 2024

50 small habits worth sticking to for the rest of your life to keep refining yourself

1. Drink a glass of warm boiled water every morning when you wake up. One, it will hydrate your body and allow it to recover from sleep; two, it will clear the impurities in your intestines; and three, it will balance the stomach acid, which will be more helpful for the next meal.

2. Insist on doing 20-30 deep squats every day. Not only can you exercise and relieve fatigue; you can also make your beer belly gradually disappear.

3. Do not always have only three minutes of enthusiasm, when you want to do something, it is recommended to turn off or away from the mobile phone, computer all communication devices, and then find a quiet environment to do things seriously.

4.Don't drink alcohol, don't smoke, don't drink milk tea, drink less sweetened drinks, eat less puffs, doughnuts and other high energy foods; in short: don't eat too much of anything that tastes too good.

5. No matter how busy you are at work or other things, you should eat three meals a day on time; especially breakfast, you must eat it.

6. Read at least one book a month if you have the opportunity and the means to do so. It is not limited to any book, as long as you like it, but read something nutritious.

7. No matter whether you are now reading or not, you should insist on learning every day; no limit to the type, as long as you like; even if you study for five minutes every day, you can refine a lot over the years.

8. Watching short videos can be addictive, but don't get addicted to them; playing games is also the same thing, just relax properly, there is no need to waste too much time here.

9. In the underground, bus and other occasions, speak as quietly as possible. It's respectful of others and you're doing yourself a favour.

10. If you are not in a private space, it is best to wear headphones when listening to music, otherwise it will make people feel less good about you.

11. habitually change "thanks" to "thank you", whether it is an acquaintance, a stranger, or a delivery boy or courier, after receiving help from others, you should say: "thank you "This is not a question of politeness, but of quality and education.

12. If you feel too much stress or anxiety, you can try to "meditate" by closing your eyes and breathing deeply to relax your body. Don't think about anything else, just let it go for about 5 minutes.

13. At no time should you speak privately about other people's shortcomings, bad words or long-winded gossip.

14. Don't pick up the phone or talk loudly on the phone in sensitive places such as public toilets, as this may cause unnecessary trouble.

15. Try to accept some habits of others that you don't like but are not malicious, and don't care about them no matter what they do, as long as they are not malicious or harmless to you.

16. When you have good food or fun, you can share it with others around you, whether they accept it or not, you will not lose anything.

17. Complain less and do more. Complaining is a sign of an incompetent person, and no one likes to hear your complaints at all. Everyone has their own way of life and discomforts, and it's really okay to look the other way.

18. Don't try to try or desire to make people who don't understand you understand you. People who don't understand you will most likely have a different outlook than you, and no matter how much you try to persuade them, they will only get bored or even resentful. Therefore, for those who do not understand you, you should have less contact with them.

19. Always remember this saying: "For most ordinary people, studying is currently the best investment that can change their destiny only and only".

20.Falling in love is not a matter of sex, let alone a deal, but a long period of time to get to know each other, understand each other, support each other, and gradually integrate each other's opinions and views, not a matter of overnight.

21. Learn to say something nice, it's not flattering and it's a necessary social skill today; complimenting others is the least expensive and most effective form of encouragement; remember: emotional intelligence doesn't necessarily require you to be articulate, but at least to make people feel comfortable with you.

22. Block out ineffective social interaction. A lot of the drinking and partying in your life is pointless and a waste of money, time and energy.

23. There is no need to make so many friends, one or two that you get along with are enough. Leave yourself more time to live a simple, free life.

24. Continuously open up sources of income and cut costs. Learn more, improve yourself and earn more money; reduce unnecessary consumption, and spend as little as you can on things that have nothing to do with your life, and don't fall into the consumption trap set by capitalists.

25. Eat a small and good breakfast, a full lunch and a light dinner.

26. Always remember: don't stay up late, it's bound to hurt your body; if you have to for work and other reasons, don't stay up late for long, otherwise you're trading your life for money!

27. When attending important events and meetings, turn your mobile phone to silent or off.

28. Keep your skincare habits simple. In fact, there is no need to put on famous skincare products when you can keep it simple.

29. If you really want to use a mask, it's best to use an applicator. Don't ask why, the sky is the limit.

30. Eye cream is actually a luxury item, so if you can live without it, don't.

31. When bathing, it is best to use solid soap instead of shower gel. Most shower gels on the market today contain a compound called "oil-based" that creates a "fake slip" that is not really useful and can cause more or less harm to human skin in the long run.

32. Sitting is very harmful, so if you can, reduce it.

33. Always remember the old saying: "A gun is a bird in the head", learn from the tortoise, when the head should be shrunk; do not be foolish to be a bird in the head, if things are successful, the reward obtained is not the most you share; but if it fails, the first harm is you, and it is multiplied by the harm.

34. It is important to learn to say "no" appropriately. Refusing does not mean that you are rude, but also that you have principles. The saying "one more thing is better than less" is still true.

35. When dealing with anyone, keep this principle in mind: people are nice to you out of affection, not out of necessity; therefore, never ask people to be nice to you.

36. The best way to prevent being cheated is: don't be cheap or poor enough for anyone to cheat you.

37. In fact, many things, conflicts, differences and misunderstandings can be solved through communication! So, when you encounter something unpleasant, don't get angry in a hurry, and try to find the other party to communicate first, most likely to be able to solve things.

38. Try not to interrupt others when they are talking, unless you have something particularly important to do.

39. Don't test people's hearts easily, because no one can afford to test them; if you win the test, you are disappointed; if you lose the test, you let the other person down. In short, it is bound to end badly.

40. It is hard to be confused in life, not too shrewd, you can "live" longer.

41. Discipline yourself, every day before you go to bed, give yourself a few tasks for tomorrow, and ask yourself to do them. Remember, don't aim too high and don't lose touch with reality.

42. Be a low-profile person, you can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

43. Compliment others more often, but don't patronise them. Even if the other person knows that you are only complimenting them, they will still rise in favor of you internally.

44. Always take five things with you when you go out: keys, cash, mobile phone, paper and mask; make it a good habit to check them before you go out each time, and you will have a lot less trouble.

45. Drink plenty of water every day, don't wait until you are thirsty! Especially for girls, drinking water not only helps you to look good, but also reduces the odour on your body.

46. You should eat fruits and vegetables regularly, so that you will rarely get sick.

47. If you want to protect yourself from the sun, it's best to do both physical and chemical methods.

48. No matter how busy or tired you are at work, you should exercise properly; if a job leaves you with no time to exercise, quit if you can.

49. When you are in a bad mood or depressed, try to tidy up your room, maybe you will feel much better.

50. Don't push yourself too hard at any time, life is short, there's really no need to make things difficult for yourself.

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The sooner you understand these 10 insights, the better, you can take the road less traveled

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Friday, February 2, 2024

The sooner you understand these 10 insights, the better, you can take the road less traveled

A while ago, there was a topic that was pushed to the top of the search: why are the young people of today "decadent", "lying flat", and "lousy"?

Netizens have been talking about it, and the one with the most likes is the following one.

The reason why young people today are so unmotivated is because they lack one thing, and that is: hope.

The sooner you understand these 10 insights, the better, you can take the road less traveled.

When you can't afford to buy a house even after a lifetime of hard work; when you can't save any money even after working overtime every day; when you can't get a decent job even after 10 years of hard study; when you are full of ambition and dreams, but you can't beat the word "money"; when you have been beaten by society, young people have already put The young people who have been beaten by society have already lost all their "hope" and "faith" and are left with nothing but helplessness and bitterness.

No one's dream is to buy a house when they grow up. Everyone wants to experience all kinds of life in their limited life, but the reality is: every day is from 9 to 6, constantly working overtime, with no time to exercise, cook for yourself, travel, discover interests, socialise and fall in love. ......

When you get home from work at night, you wash up, fall asleep, and then wake up the next day for another round of work, and so on and so forth, until your youthful years are exhausted. ......

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of friends and a wide range of contacts, but there are only a few friends you can talk to.

They are all ordinary people, but they live a miserable life where their words don't mean what they say and they can't help themselves.

After reading them, I can only say: it's so true; it's like being sober on earth.

So, today, I share with you 10 perceptions about growing up, and I hope you will see this article early and read it.

1, if you have an ordinary family, average ability, connections, mediocre looks, average IQ, nothing special, the fastest way to make a comeback is: choose an industry you like, first rooted in it for three to five years, and try to improve your ability, accumulate your experience, expand your network, expand your horizons, form your own unique thinking, and build your own industry resource base.

After three to five years, if your capital, network, ability and timing are ripe, you can try to start your own business first. Remember: it is not advisable to expand your business blindly in the early stages, you should walk on thin ice, be cautious, slowly feel your way across the river, one step at a time, and do not rush into anything.

Self-employment is not an easy thing, and the chances of success are few and far between, so think twice and twice again.

2, no matter what you encounter, do not be impulsive. A lot of things, often because of a moment of impulsiveness, only to end up in a big disaster. Also, when you are angry, it is best to keep your mouth shut, otherwise it will bring you a lot of unnecessary trouble.

3. Whenever you meet people, you should not reveal your privacy, character or weaknesses to others (especially strangers) because you do not know what kind of people you will meet, and a word you say without thinking can often become a handle for others to threaten you.

Therefore, no matter what the occasion is, we should not put our emotions on our faces, always keep smiling and stay positive. This way, you are more likely to be favoured by the opposite sex, trusted by elders, and relied upon by leaders.

Some people say it's hypocritical to do so! But I just want to ask: in this world of deceit, if you are not hypocritical, can you still survive? Look at them, those who are honest and sincere, aren't they always being bullied?

4. Always remember this: Get out of poverty first, then get out of singleness!

When you have money, and the other party has no feelings for you, it does not matter, the other party is willing to cultivate with you properly; when you have no money, even if the other party has feelings for you, sorry, the other party is not willing to suffer with you.

Love is always built on material basis, especially this materialistic era, without material protection, any mutual love is empty talk.

5, excessive modesty, equivalent to hypocrisy; excessive forbearance, equivalent to incompetence; excessive initiative, equivalent to licking the dog.

The person, can be a little humble, after all, modesty makes people progress, but if modesty is too much, it will make people feel very hypocritical.

The actual fact is that you can be a little bit more tolerant, but some people, some things, once you give in, you will get the other side of the inch.

The boy chased the girl, can take the initiative a little, after all, the initiative to have a story. If you've got a lot of initiative, you'll get a lot of perfunctory responses from the other side, so you should stop. It is very humble to be a licking dog, and in the end there is nothing

6, you can remain optimistic and upbeat, but also to recognize the reality, back to self.

A person who has not replied to you for more than 24 hours is politely rejecting you; remember the saying: no one will be so busy that they can't see your message all day, some just see and don't want to reply.

No girl likes a "dog licker". What they like is: they want money, they are handsome, they are talented, and they have a background. So, as long as you don't have money, even if you take care of her and do everything, she won't like you.

Instead of fantasizing about someone taking you flying, it is wise to spend your time on fitness, reading, working, improving yourself, investing in yourself, and keeping yourself refined.

7, rather learn from the turtle, hold your breath and take a step back; not learn from the hedgehog, covered with thorns, the export of hurt.

First of all, we have to understand one thing: no matter what people are, they like to hear good words, no one likes to hear the truth or bad words.

Therefore, when our strength does not allow us to do so, we might as well learn from the tortoise, and endure things as long as we can; although it looks cowardly and unambitious, it can ensure that we are unharmed and achieve the goal of obscene development.

On the contrary, if you go and learn from the hedgehog, covered in thorns and offending people as soon as you speak, you will sooner or later be ostracised. Those who are sharp may seem to have the upper hand, but in fact they make enemies everywhere and will not be able to go far in the end.

It is a very simple truth: no matter what the occasion, the leader will never promote a person who is in opposition to him every day. The "ass-kissing" in the workplace may seem very humble and cheap, but in fact, it is the most effective way for an ordinary person to get a promotion and a raise.

8, from now on, and make money from things that have nothing to do with, can do less, cannot do, do not do.

Each of us is given the mission of making money when we are born. What is the purpose of ten years of hard study? To make money, of course! Therefore, in a limited life, making money is the most important thing, and the rest is just an accompaniment.

Foolish people are always fond of vanity. Very often, for the sake of a banner, an award, a certificate of honour, or a false ranking in a game, they are willing to become someone else's pawn and go to the edge of the sword or the edge of the fire for others.

Cao Cao once said, "Do not be greedy for false fame but deal with real misfortune". The meaning is: Do not covet false fame and invite real misfortune.

Therefore, in real life, we should be wary of these illusory honours. For example, in the workplace, the top performer receives a certificate of honour; in a game, the first place in a battle is awarded a title of honour; in a certain competition, spending a few thousand dollars to enter, one receives a trophy of honour. These are false rewards, hungry cannot be eaten as a meal, and cold cannot be worn as clothes, and in the end can only be thrown into the trash!

9, no matter what the occasion, do not speak too bluntly; see through and not say through, is also a kind of cultivation.

Although words are not as sharp as a knife blade, they are more hurtful than a knife blade. Very often, when you tell the truth and correct a mistake, the other person is not only ungrateful, but also angry.

That's the wonderful thing about human nature. When you expose a person's lies, they don't admit their mistakes because it makes them lose face. So he will think that you are against him and will argue with you to the death.

Therefore, learn to "see people say people say, see ghosts say ghosts", often can avoid a lot of trouble.

10, appropriate pretend to be confused, more to win the recognition and appreciation of others; if everywhere are too calculating, will be disliked.

Many times, pretending to be confused is also a kind of high emotional intelligence performance. Especially in the workplace, people who know how to play dumb are more likely to win the promotion and respect of their leaders. On the contrary, if you always think you are very capable, and everywhere to steal the limelight, and will be jealous of many people, and even hate.

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The 4 kinds of food should be avoided if you have Gout

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Friday, January 26, 2024

The 4 kinds of food should be avoided if you have Gout

The 4 kinds of food should be avoided after high uric acid develops gout, so that uric acid does not get out of control

With the improvement of living conditions, people's diets are getting better, so this will lead to the high incidence of many diseases, one of which is commonly gout, and there are many people who call gout a disease of affluence, because it has a certain relationship with diet.

However, many people who suffer from gout do not treat it in time and do not control their diet, often overeating and drinking as they please.

For those who suffer from gout, is it still possible to eat and drink as much as you like? What are the effects on the body?

In fact, when you have gout, you have to control your diet and stop overeating and drinking. If you eat and drink as much as you want, the result is pain, and when the condition is severe, the pain is more intense and unbearable.

This is because when you suffer from gout, the level of uric acid in your body rises. If you don't pay attention to your diet, then the level of uric acid deposited in the joint cavity will increase and eventually form a kind of crystalline salt, which affects the normal movement of the joints, leading to movement disorders and bringing serious consequences to your life.

So after the emergence of gout, we must have proper control of their diet. If we overeat the following 4 kinds of food, then it will let the uric acid out of control, bringing serious harm to the body, which kinds of food are there?

1, High purine food

As we all know, purines are a cause of elevated uric acid in the body, so once the level of uric acid in the body is elevated, then it is difficult to discharge the body in a timely manner resulting in joint pain causing gout.

Therefore, in order to prevent gout, it is necessary to limit the intake of high purine foods, such as seafood and animal offal.

These foods are taboo for people with high uric acid, so if you don't want to suffer from gout, then you should avoid these foods in your diet.

2. Alcohol

When alcohol enters the body, it needs to be metabolised by the liver, which will then use the water in the blood, which will lead to an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood, which over time will form a crystalline substance in the human tissue and worsen the symptoms.

It is important to remember that beer is not a high purine food, but many of the substances it contains will be converted into purine-containing substances after entering the body, so beer is also a cause of gout patients to quit eating.

3. Strong tea and coffee

With the rise of the coffee industry, many people like to make a cup of coffee or strong tea to refresh themselves, which is a good thing in itself.

However, for patients, after strong tea and coffee enter the body, although it does not directly lead to an increase in purine content, but will make the vagus nerve in the brain in a state of excitement.

This will accelerate the production of uric acid in the body, but it cannot be excreted in time, so it will lead to an increase in the uric acid content in the body and worsen the symptoms of gout.

4, Spicy and stimulating food

When it comes to spicy and stimulating foods and diets that can raise uric acid, hot pot is at the top of the list, especially if there is hot pot soup, because a lot of seafood is put in it when the hot pot is cooked.

Therefore, it is best for people who want to prevent gout to avoid eating hot pot, otherwise they will suffer.

If you drink a lot of alcohol, strong tea, coffee, and a diet high in purines, or if you eat spicy and irritating food, it can lead to a sharp rise in uric acid, which can be very harmful to your health.

Therefore, it is important to eat a light diet with plenty of whole grains and fresh vegetables and fruits, and to drink plenty of water, with a daily intake of around 2000ml.

In addition to this, you should also exercise, such as walking, jogging and tai chi, which can help to improve your metabolism and help to relieve your condition.

What kind of tea is suitable for people with high uric acid and gout?

Nowadays, people's standard of living is getting higher and higher, and the number of people with high uric acid and gout is increasing year by year. Some people with high uric acid may be asymptomatic throughout their lives, but if the blood uric acid level continues to rise, it is likely to cause gout and make people "miserable". To reduce uric acid, one is to reduce the production of uric acid and the other is to increase uric acid excretion. To increase uric acid excretion, we need to increase the amount of water we drink, so what tea is suitable for people with high uric acid and gout?

Uric acid is metabolised through purines, which are the body's metabolic waste. The uric acid produced by the body every day is temporarily stored in a place called the "uric acid pool" and then excreted out of the body with urine and faeces. Under normal circumstances, there is a dynamic balance between the amount of uric acid produced and the amount excreted each day, but if more uric acid is produced or less is excreted, then excess uric acid will build up in the blood, raising the blood uric acid level and creating hyperuricaemia. If uric acid levels continue to rise, uric acid crystals can be precipitated and deposited in the joints, causing gout.

About two thirds of the uric acid produced in the body is excreted in the urine through the kidneys and one third is excreted in the stool through the intestines. Because uric acid is poorly soluble, it must be excreted in sufficient quantities in the urine.

In addition to reducing purine intake, another point in the dietary treatment of high uric acid and gout is to increase water intake to promote uric acid excretion. People with gout should drink at least 2000ml of water a day, choosing from plain water, mineral water, light tea, etc.

Whatever tea you drink, it is not effective in treating gout, but only plays a role in increasing the amount of water you drink. However, when drinking tea, you must choose light tea water. Strong tea has a high caffeine content, which has a stimulating effect on the autonomic nerves and may trigger an acute attack of gout. Because of the large volume of water consumed by gout patients, drinking plain water every day can be tasteless. Drinking some light tea can help maintain a certain amount of urine to promote uric acid excretion, prevent uric acid kidney stones and delay progressive kidney damage.

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Friday, January 19, 2024

Managing oneself well is one's essential skill

Managing oneself well is one's essential skill

Life, in fact, is a game between oneself. Do not give up the demanding for self is a person's real ability.

1, Manage the image.

I don't know if you find that as you grow older, people around you are slowly becoming two groups: one group is being destroyed by the years into unkempt, out-of-shape "greasy" middle-aged; the other group seems to have eaten preservatives, maintain very well. The different groups have a very different attitude to life.

I agree with the saying, "Managing your image is not about superficiality, but about respect for yourself and admiration for life." The real ageing of a person is never the ageing, but the loss of the demand for self. Don't concede defeat to life, don't bow to the years. The best maintenance product in this world is your self-discipline and not settling for less.

2. Manage your body.

I read news. An entrepreneur was unwell because of prolonged exertion and was found to have myocardial ischemia when he went to the hospital. The doctor asked him to be hospitalised immediately for observation, but he did not take it to heart. Who would have thought that he would pass away suddenly a few days later. Overnight, his prestigious education and wealthy career, which he had been proud of, were all in vain.

Health is 1, everything else is 0. Once the 1 is gone, there is no point in having more 0s. All the health that was overdrawn will have to be repaid a hundred times over afterwards. Every time you go to bed early, wake up early and eat on time, you are building up your energy for tomorrow.

3. Manage your emotions.

When you encounter trouble, your mind explodes, turning a very simple matter into a mess; arguing with your lover over a trivial matter, turning over old scores when you are not in the right mind,  without being conscious, opening your mouth and saying hurtful things ...... We have all been consumed by sudden emotions at some point because of something, and many of life's regrets and regrets are often the result of this. People who are truly mature know how to manage their emotions. They never lose their temper that they shouldn't, they don't rush things, they don't get upset because of anger, and they never use bad emotions to affect others.

4. Managing social circles.

After dealing with all kinds of people, you will slowly understand: friends, quality is much more important than quantity. If you are only concerned about the circle of drinking and dining, you will neglect those who treat you sincerely.

The worldly and hypocritical circle of people should be cut off; the negative circle of people who consume you should be shed; the circle of people who do not belong to you should be left. To sift through friends is to sort out your life, and to manage your circle is also the beginning of refining yourself. When the circle is clean, people are comfortable; when the relationship is comfortable, people are comfortable.

People can only be responsible for others if they are responsible for themselves first. Self-management is a lifelong lesson for all of us.

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These 10 signs that you are getting better

Friday, January 12, 2024

These 10 signs that you are getting better

These 10 signs that you are getting better

Gradually getting savings

If you have read The Road to Financial Freedom, you will know that the first rule of happiness is to save money.

Old people love to save money, but in our generation, somehow, they have all become "negative" people. We borrow and overdraw for the future, and then use our present efforts to pay back our past spending.

Good saving habits will give you a sense of security and also give you more initiative in the world of "buying".

If you've graduated a few years ago and still don't have any savings, be sure to take note, but don't worry, start saving now.

Be able to get up early and go to bed early on your own initiative

The key to this one is "initiative".

A psychiatrist friend of mine once told me that the best way to treat depression is to give the patient a sense of control first.

I asked, "What is a sense of control?

He said, "It starts with taking the initiative to go to bed early and get up early.

Actually, going to bed early and waking up early is not so great. What is great is to take the initiative to go to bed early and wake up early for ten years.

In other words, you are not woken up by work or your boss, you want to go to bed early and get up early, you want to do something with your time in the morning.

Of course, it's also pretty awesome that you have to go to bed late and get up late on your own initiative for ten years as a whole.

Start accepting your imperfections

Everyone, in fact, has their own flaws.

But a person will focus more on his or her strengths and strategically ignore his or her weaknesses, which has two benefits.

Firstly, one can be more confident.

Secondly, one can put better energy into one's strengths.

In fact, the older one gets, the less likely one is to accept one's imperfections, but it is when one begins to accept one's imperfections that one will move towards perfection.

In one's twenties, one has to come to terms with one's imperfections.

In one's thirties, one accepts the imperfections of one's parents.

In one's forties one has to come to terms with the imperfections of one's children.

Imperfection is also a form of beauty.

Take the initiative to stop having friends with negative energy

The older you get, the more likely you are to see that negative people are actually lurking around you.

Many may be friends and relatives who are usually particularly close, but remember.

As you start to make the leap, you will find that you become more and more out of step with your old surroundings, and that those people you used to be very close to are instantly distant.

But don't worry, move on. Sometimes you don't have to cut off those friends, they will cut you off.

It's not a big deal, you just need to move on, and the brave will follow you on the road.

Start reading and exercising regularly

Apart from the dopamine production and the desire to learn, more importantly, you start to realise that there is more to life than just the little circle you were in.

A person who lies down all day will not know the kind of joy that comes from being on a treadmill.

Similarly, those who don't love reading will never understand how the world is seen by those who have knowledge in their brain.

Begin expressing yourself regularly

So, please start expressing and outputting regularly, for example, writing articles, which, at first, may not be read by many people, but as you write better and better and more, more people will read them.

Eat well at every meal

What is the most basic sign that a person is being alive?

The answer is to eat well at every meal.

You can take the initiative to choose some ingredients that will ensure you have three meals a day, with less sugar, lesser carbs and more high protein and vegetables.

The body is the carrier of the soul, when the body is finished, it's too late for everything.

Gradually start to be grateful for the world

I have a friend who send thank you to his loved ones everyday.

People can become particularly uncaring and ungrateful, taking everything for granted.

But once said, you feel the world is full of warmth, and really, if one is even grateful for every day one is alive, the state of being will change dramatically.

What's more, it's not just the person who is grateful that will actually benefit, it will be themselves.

Some studies have shown that a grateful person has a higher sense of well-being themselves than the person being thanked.

Understand the meaning of solitude

Solitude is the best period of appreciation, there will be a point when you do not have the accompaniment of your large circle of friends compared to now.

At the end of the day, people are meant to be alone. But there is one characteristic of masters: they are used to being alone, they enjoy it and they find a better version of themselves in it.

If you ask me what is the meaning of solitude, I think it is a kind of dialogue with oneself.

10 Knowing how to let go and not to cling to it

The last one is the most important, because almost all suffering comes from clinging to something or someone.

And as you begin to let go of that wrong person that you love so much

Letting go of that painful experience that you cannot change

Letting go of the things you hated but couldn't let go of

Congratulations, you've come out of it.

I hope this helps.

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Friday, January 5, 2024

Give yourself a chance to improve, believe that you can do better

Many people actually have a lot of time, but will just waste it. Most people will feel like they have nothing to do and rather spend time sleeping, playing games, watching TV, playing on mobile phones. And when they see other people succeed and make money, apart from being envious, they don’t think about why others succeed and how they make money.

Ma Yun once said:
"People who climb to the top of the mountain see the same scenery, and only people on the mountainside have various views."

Thinking about it carefully, many people still don't understand it. We can roughly divide people into these types of people:

1. Successful people are all hardworking, they never complain, they are always thinking about how to solve problems.

2. People who don’t have any pursuits. This kind of people may understand a bit of everything, but they don’t seem to understand anything. They always feel that hard work is meaningless. They feel that there is food and drink for the day, so why work so hard? Everyone has family members, and we all have to think about them. Birth, old age, sickness and death are not something we need to face.

Even if you are a selfish person, if you want to live a quality life, you can buy whatever other people want, and exchange whatever you want, and you live a miserable life every day, do you really feel comfortable?

3. People who don’t know how to live, maybe some people don’t understand that they should work hard, at least at the age when they need to work hard. It’s time to improve themselves, and they wasted their great youth in a muddleheaded way.

4. I understand the truth, but I feel that I am not capable enough. I believe that there are many people in this category, and they are willing to contribute and work hard, but they always feel that they are not capable enough, can't do well, and have no confidence in themselves. I feel that my education is low, I can't learn it by myself, and I can't reach the height of others.

This kind of people still doesn’t know enough about themselves, and they still have to learn to improve their cognitive abilities. At the very least, they need to understand that what others can do, we can do well through hard work. Don't use your low education, lack of ability, no capital, no rights, no connections, etc. as excuses. We have many successful cases without education, background or ability, but relying on our own hard work and perseverance to persevere and finally achieve success.

A person pays more attention to which aspect, which aspect he likes, will put more energy into that aspect. Many people like to play games and pay a lot of attention to games, but some people can make money through these , can change their own destiny, some people can only play it as entertainment. Where is the difference, how much thought have you put into it, how much have you paid for this matter, and what do you want to get through this matter.

I am also a game lover. The game I have always liked is League of Legends. I just like to play and find it interesting. It doesn’t matter if I win or lose. I just want to have fun. But some people are different. They regard it as their own dream or a career. Some people may say that playing games also requires talent and technology. In fact, these are far from enough. patience, persistence, dedication, We can take a look at how those e-sports players pay, practice and train day and night every day. Some can produce results, and some will disappear soon if you don't work hard! Even if you are talented.

We all want be appreciated by other people, but we will need to be equipped with proper skills in order to be appreciated.

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To the person I care about the most

Sunday, December 31, 2023

To the person I care about the most

To my family 

When I was young, I always felt that my parents were nagging and controlling too much; when I grew up, realized that only our parents are the ones who don’t ask for anything in return and desperately protect us. It is the love of my parents that makes me more firm on the way forward.

Dear parents, thank you for your careful upbringing and sheltering me from all worries. In the past, you were my biggest backer; in the future, I will be your best backer.

I want time to go slower, so that I can love you longer. It is my greatest wish that you are safe and sound ; my greatest peace of mind is that everything at home is safe. Remember to take good care of your body.

To my lover 

In my opinion, the most beautiful thing in the world is meeting the right you at the right time.

Along the way, we have had quarrels, misunderstandings, frictions, but fortunately, we have not given up on each other. We have experienced many things together, and finally we can be more considerate, tolerant, understanding, and successful with each other.

Thank you for making me believe that the world is worth it. Please also believe that no matter what kind of wind and rain you experience, I will stand firmly by your side. 

To my friend 

I am very happy to have you all by my side. We used to chat and sing together, cried and laughed together, and experienced the beauty and freshness together. Thank you for allowing me to be my truest self unscrupulously.

Dear friend, thank you for appearing in my life, giving me warmth and joy; thank you for doing your best to help me when I encounter difficulties.

Because of our busy schedule, we don't have many chances to get together often, but I believe that no matter how far away we are, we can't stop thinking about it in our hearts; no matter how busy the day is, it won't dilute the friendship between you and me. In the years to come, may we keep in touch and walk together warmly.

To myself 

You have cared about many people, but don't forget that you are the one who deserves to be loved.

In the face of difficulties, you know how to adjust your emotional state and live a more orderly life; in the face of failure, you are not discouraged and constantly update your cognition. thank myself, have experienced troughs and setbacks, but I treat the people around me more gently.

Dear self, thank you for all the kindness and beauty you bring to this world. Today, I also want to say to you: "You have worked hard!" From now on, don't forget to love yourself. There are infinite possibilities in the future, may your heart be full of hope, fearless and brave, go forward.

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This year, thank myself

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